열두 ᶜʰᵉʳʳʸ ᵗᵉᵃ

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«Are you sure about it? I mean we're both men and we're in public.» I asked. I didnt want to make his anixity any worser.
«Just do it before I do.» he closed his eyes.

I leaned across the table and placed a hand on his cheek. His hot breathing tickled on my skin. Slowly I moved closer to him, until our foreheads touched. My heart jumped up and down in my chest.
I placed my lips gently on his and pulled him into an innocent kiss.

His breathing got faster. He almost pulled me over the table. He let out some quiet moans. I tried to pull him off and he slowly let go of me after a while.

«Ki dont be like this.» I whispered.
The people around us started chatting more, sone seemed talking about us, some completely ignored our beeing.
«Im sorry....I just...I liked it pretty much.» he blushed.
«Really? You did?» I gave him a smile. «Be careful Ki, not every man is a gentle and lets you just kiss and nothing more.»
He nodded. «I know.»
«Are you testing me?»
«Im not...»

He has a light blush on his cheeks.
«You are weir Kihyunnie.»
«I know....»
«Ki? Are you fine? What happened? Did you lost sharky?»
«I left him at home.» he whispered.
«Lets get him then.»
«No its fine.» he gave me a dont-worry-smile but that made me worry even more.
«You lost him at the amusement park right?»

His eyes started to tear up. He nodded.
«Kihyunnie its pretty fine were just get there again and ask someone if they found him.»
I stood up and gave him my hand. He didnt take it.
«Whats the matter dear?»
He pulled his shirt down.
«Can we sit here for a while?»

«No Ki lets go there right now. Its fine.» I pulled him up on his feet and into my arms.
Now I felt why he didnt want to go. He got hard.
«Its ok Ki thats pretty normal, get my coat and cover it ok?» I stripped out my coat and put it on Kihyuns body.
He took my hand and we both left the store.

«Thank you.» he gave me a thiny smile.
«I know Sharky means a lot to you, thats why were gonna find him.» I gave his head a peck.

We klimed into my car and I stroke his hair a bit.
«We will find him.»
I started driving.

We reached the amusement park after an hour.
Kihyun seemed really sad now.
«We will find sharky.» I took his hands and helped him out of the car.
We went to the reception.
An old, strict looking Lady forced us.

«Whats your matters?»
«Were looking for a stuffered shark. He lost it.»
«Are you kidding me? Two grown man using this as excuse to enter for free.» she seemed really pissed.
«Excuse you madam, we really need it, its important to him.»
«No pay, no enterance.»
I smashed down the money and grabbed Kihyuns arm.
«Come on, we dont spend any more time with someone only focusing on her money.»

«Its ok Im good with it lets leave.»
«No we wont.» I pulled him after me.
«You dont need to do that.»
«You dont need to say that. I will get him for you.»

I pulled him to the candy stall first and we asked, then we went to the Rollercoaster. But we hadnt found him.

Candy pops - Kihyun [✔] (ᵉⁿᵍ)Where stories live. Discover now