아홉개 ʰᵉ'ˢ ʰᵘʳᵗ

35 4 4

«Good morning, wake up kiki. The sun is shining as bright as your beauty.»
The male opened his eyes and looked at me sleepy.
«Are you feeling good today?»
«I never felt better.» he said while rubbing his eyes.

I gave him a small smile.
«I cooked for today's breakfast.» I stroked his had.
«Mhh I'm going up.» he mumured.
«U promise?»
«I do Eomma.» he sat up.
He rubbed his eyes tired and yawned very cutely.

«If you keep working today I got something for you.» I gave him a wink.
«What?» he asked couriously.
«It's a secret my dear Kihyunnie.»
«You are so mean.» he whined.

I laughed and helped him out of the bed.

When we went to work he seemed to be really happy. He jumped around all the times and hummed happily.
He wasn't really scared in the dark corridor anymore. He even took his own way to the dolphins, but I checked after him just in case. I was happy to work again.

Many customers seemed happy to see me. Some people came here more than just once. Some were almost every day here.
I liked it that all people here seemed to be happy. It was a nice heartwarming atmosphere to look at them when they slowly got more and more happy.

«Jesco, emergency at the kois, a boy lost his mother.»
«I will making an announcement, what's his name?»
«He does not speak to me.»

I went op to our office to make an announcement. There I found Kihyun, sitting in a corner and cying. I totally forgot about what I wanted to do earlier.
«Kiki what's the matter? Why aren't you at Minhyuk.» I kneed down in front of him.
He hugged his legs and cried painfully.
«Ki I'm talking to y-» he handed me sharky.

The stuffered shark was ripped on his seam.
«It's totally fine, I can fix it if we are home.» I stroke his head. «There is something else, isn't it?»
I gave him a peck on his head.
«You can tell it.»
«Don't kill me please.» he whispered and it sounded like he was begging for his life.
«I won't ever, no matter what you did.»
«Minhyuk is not nice to me.» he said sobbing.
«What did he do?»
«He shouted at me and said I'm no one to do this job because I'm childish.»
«Let me fix that ok? Come with me.»

I rushed to the dolphins Kihyun right behind me.
«Mr. Lee? Is there anything you have to tell me?»
«This kid is useless.»
In the next second I already stood in front of him, in a reaspectless near. «Please explain useless.» I ordered with a dark voice.
«He is just standing around and stroking Noona, he does not even share a word with me. And then he is playing with his shark all the time.»
«Did you rip it?»
«I-i....» he seemed to be scared now
«You are stupid Minhyuk, you had to tell him what he has to do, he's new, no wonder he is doing nothing.» I turned around to Kihyun. «Let's go, you will work by my side.»

He took my hand to not get lost.
As the announcement appeared the two of us winced, in shook.
«Damn I totally forgot.» I mumured.
«Did you wanted to make the announcement?»
«Don't worry you are more important to me.» I gave him a smile.

I took him around and showed how too feed the fish and how to change the water in the different pools.
When he changed the water in the smaller pools I looked at him. Sucking the tube. I told my thoughts not to go into a pervert way, but I can't help to do.
He looked so cute and the doing that... I prayed to not get a boner.

Candy pops - Kihyun [✔] (ᵉⁿᵍ)Where stories live. Discover now