Chapter 54

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Camilla's POV

We landed in Atlas and decided hide the bullhead in the forest so no one questions why we have a Atlas military bullhead and we're not part of the military. We just made it to the city and decided to get a good layout of everything and find the Schnee mansion. I stop everyone "So any idea where the mansion is?" They all shake their heads but Aiden notices a poster and walks over to it and grabs it.

"Hey, this will help huh?"

He hands it to me to and I read it out loud "A party to celebrate Whitely Schnee for stepping up to be the next head of the Schnee dust company."

Aelia walks over "The next head? I thought Weiss was supposed to be the next head?"

Amelia answers her "Till she ran away sister."

Julia starts thinking "We could definitely use the party so sneak around and find the files of all of the mining locations."

Aiden goes "But they won't let all of us in there and we can't really sneak in as a group guys, I mean girls."

We laugh a bit but me, Julia and Aiden look at the twins and they get a nervous look on their faces and simultaneously say "What are you guys looking at?"

It's now night time and Aelia and Amelia are wearing matching red dresses that we "confiscated" so they can sneak in. Aelia is already hating this plan "I fucking hate you guys, why do we have to flirt with this little punk?"

Amelia brushes her hair more "So we can get the files easier and get out before anyone realizes what we're doing and gets suspicious."

I calm her down "This is for Dad... and uncle Huy and aunt Ivo. Dad needs us Aelia."

As I day this I get a call on my scroll and it's Mom "Hey Mom, how are things?"

All I hear is silence until I hear a familiar voice "Hey Camilla..."

It's..... Michael? "What? What did you do to Mom!?!"

Everyone gets scared hearing the tone of my voice "Relax! I'm on your side now.... Mom isn't doing so well."

"What did you do to her!? You tried killing Dad! You used us to trap and torture him!!


Memories run through my head of how much he cared for us and stood up for us... he might actually have changed but I don't know "Ok..... go ahead Michael."

"I'm sorry for that... Mother ran into father whole on patrol and found him sabotaging the ship you guys came on with Winter."

"Why would he do that?! I understand he was mad.... oh no.... did he... is he working with Xandra?!"

Everyone gets scared hearing that Aelia almost snatches the scroll from me "You can't be serious! We're too late!"

Michael continues "There's more.... he managed to blow it up even though mother did her best to stop or persuade him. Mother snapped and got just as strong as him but Xandra and her group including Kenji showed up. He kissed her in front on mother and it absolutely destroyed her..... she won't talk to anyone. She feels at fault for what's happening."

I lean against the wall trying to process this and think of anything for us to do but I come up with nothing "I just wanna say Camilla.... I'm sorry.... I'm doing my best over here to make amends with everyone but no one trusts me."

"Can you blame them? Wounds need time to heal and you're partially to blame for what's happening with Dad."

I hear remorse when he speaks "I know.... that's why I'm  calling you to promise you I'll do whatever I can to help."

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