Chapter 48

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Pyrrha's POV

I sit on my bed wondering how I can help Darnell.... he's changing and I can see it. He's becoming more harsh towards everyone. Everyone's taking it due to the trauma he's going through but I believe he'll do something drastic or hurt someone. I grab my scroll and look at all of our old pictures from Beacon. Everyone loved Darnell and respected him for his achievements and how he went with things. I still love him, we all do, he's a hero to us. Even Huy and Ivo say he's better but.... he can only take on so much. I hope by me treating him this way way he learns how he impacts people. If they see him down and willing to give up.... everyone else might fall off. When he snapped.... it hurt hearing how he hates the people of Remnant due to how they treated him. But it's not their fault, they're being mislead. Hearing him not wanting our children angered me though.... they look up to us and hearing him say how he just wants to cut ties and leave was... my thoughts get interrupted by a knock at my door. I get up and answer and see Oscar with Salem "Hello Pyrrha, um.. Ozpin wants to talk to everyone, for our next move and what we should do when we get to Altas. We might have to make a few stops here and there for Winter due her job but we'll get there safely hopefully."

I untie my hair to let it fall down since after this we'll be relaxing after this meeting "Thanks for telling me Oscar, and Salem?"


"Is Darnell... has he apologized to anyone?"

She looks down disappointed "I don't believe so, your daughters were making an attempt though, then I heard a loud ruckus not too long ago though."

I get confused "Anyone know what was happening?"

Oscar speaks up "I think everyone was chasing Darnell for something that all of the girls in our group wanted to do."

Me and Salem exchange glances at each other in confusion and decide to just get Ivo and Nick. We walk down the hall a little and knock on the door and Ivo answers "Oh, hey Pyrrha... what's up?" I can tell she's still tense from the arguement she had with Darnell, well fight.

"We're having a meeting soon and wanted everyone in it if your not busy."

"That's fine" she turns her head back to her room "Come on Aiden, let your father sleep for a bit, gotta talk with everyone."

I see her son come out of the room behind her "Yes Mom, oh I believe your my aunt correct?"

I put on a smile "Yes, I'm your aunt Pyrrha, hope everything is well with you Aiden."

He smiles "It's better then that cold tube." He makes everyone chuckle a bit but a concerned look comes on his face "Is.... uncle Darnell... uh still mad at me?"

Ivo gets angry "He's not mad at you... he's.... just pissed off that everything that could happen to him is happening." She her face changes to regretful "I shouldn't have pushed him that far..."

Aiden hugs her to calm her and completely surprises her "I just didn't like how he grabbed you Mom... it was unnecessary." He says in a protective tone that completely catches Ivo off guard.

"O-Oh... thanks honey" she hugs him back and they and we start to walk down the hall with each other Ivo walks next to me "Hey... you doing alright? We heard the arguement you and Darnell had at the house we were all in and it got bad."

"About that... yeah it was bad... kinda putting him in the dog house and he's reaction was pretty bad.... the kids thought we were gonna cut ties if it proceeds any further so they're trying to fix it. I just want Darnell to understand that he can't act that way because it'll affect the group negatively."

"I agree.. we all have a lot on our shoulders and this isn't the time to come at each others throat, but what he was saying to Mother was pissing me off and I couldn't stay quiet."

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