Chapter 43

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Darnell's POV

I wake up in the middle of the night with my throat feeling dry. I slowly get out of bed and put my pants on without waking up Pyrrha. Unfortantly it doesn't go as well since her senses are more sensitive, she wakes up slowly "Honey *Yawns* where you going?"

I button up my pants "Thirsty, gonna get something to drink. You want something?"

She swings her legs out the bed and throws some sweats and a tank top on. "I'll come with you, might make something to eat. All this training has made me work quite the appetite, these new powers are amazing Darnell."

I laugh as we walk quietly in the hall "Maybe you'll gain some weight.." oh shit, I just said something that'll get me killed. I feel power build up next to me.

"What was that Darnell?"

"You didn't let me finish, in the right places. Like your hips and what not, it's attractive."

She powers down but her eyes are still glowing that golden shine "Attractive? Nice save there... You would've been needing something else if you didn't say that."

"Heh sorry, but yeah I love your body now, nothing wrong with any choice you make to do with it. Whatever you do, I'll still do whatever you want with it."

She smirks at me "Everyone is sleeping Darnell" she says with a sultry tone "Maybe you want something else in the kitchen."

Oh I like the new Pyrrha! I pick her up and try to go back to our room, but we both here a bunch of bullheads fly overhead and spotlights.

I put Pyrrha down and we run to a window "What the th- oh no!"

Pyrrha looks at me "You think it's the Atlas military?!"

I don't waste any time and run back to our room and put all my gear on "Pyrrha wake everyone up! I gotta get outta here now! I'll meet with you later!" Luckily Emerald found my pistols on one of the white fang members that day, I load them up and grab my clips and run downstairs with my pants and boots on and my tank top with my jacket in one hand and my hip holsters in the other.

"Darnell what are you gonna do?"

I throw my jacket on in a hurry "I'll do my best to hide from them in the forest! I'll use the woods with the darkness to hide I'll be fine!" I give her a kiss and run out the backdoor avoiding the lights. I run in a alley and throw the hood of my jacket on my head to conceal my identity somewhat.

A large bullhead flies in slowly with a a speaker of some kind with a familiar voice coming out of it "Darnell Pearson! We know you've been hiding in Haven since the explosion of the academy! Come out now and face the charges against you or we will use lethal force! Personally I rather have you dead but the higher ups want you alive to face trial. That doesn't mean we can't cripple you and drag you in chains to them!"

Sounds like Winter, Weiss's older sister. Shit this is bad, practically a fucking army here! Mechs and robots start flooding the streets for me and soldiers behind them. I can't climb the roof or the spotlights will see me! I start thinking of something.... yes that'll give me a few seconds! I charge up my semblance and launch a fire blast down the street, everyone in the area looks at the blast and run over. I take this chance to run more down the alleys. My luck runs out a bullhead spots me "Fuck!"

They start shooting at me and I start running down the streets and everything is chasing me now "I guess I gotta fight my way out now!"

Some mechs block an exit out of the city and spot me and start to open fire, I change my form to increase my speed and slide under the gunfire and right into a mech rip it's arm off and smack the other mech and send it falling on it's ass. I jump off and land and keep running "You can't run forever Darnell! Face the crimes you've committed and just accept what's going to happen!"

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