Chapter 158: WYH III

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"Yi Huai, say... If you weren't following your father's footstep in becoming a government official, what would you want to be?" Mu Dan asked.

Sitting inside the pavilion overlooking the pale jade surface of the pond, I stared at Mu Dan questioningly.

"I haven't given it much thought," I told her honestly.

"Really? You don't have any other interests besides reading?" She teased.

Sighing, I replied, "You should know already."

"Heavens, who'd want to marry such a boring guy like you?"

She hid her laugh behind her hands. Her rosy dress flowing with the summer wind. Strands of her long hair gracefully covered the side of her face.

Each year father allowed me to stay with the Chen family for awhile during the summer.

I only spent a couple of days there the very last summer. Father called for me to return home urgently. I could feel an air of thick oppression in the Chen household, although Uncle and Aunt Chen always had warm smiles on their faces. Mu Dan was not aware of it and was her usual self. 

It wasn't until on the way back home, I heard that there was a fire at the Chen residence. I jumped off the carriage and ran back to the town and saw the smoke. Amidst the dark night sky, the blaring red flames engulfed all the buildings of the Chen estate. 

"Where's Mu Dan?" My eyes moved through the crowd from person to person. Uncle and Aunt Chen were no where to found either.

"Young Lord Wu! Young Lord Wu!" Guo Nai Nai reached for my arm, pulling me close to her.

"Guo Nai Nai, where is Mu Dan? Uncle and Aunt Chen?" I asked.

"They're all still inside. Everyone escaped but our Master and Madam... Mu Dan is still in there! Someone! Please help! There are still people inside!"

Townsfolk rushed past us, carrying buckets of water. With the flames so large, the small amounts of water available would be useless to overpower it. 

I made a decision.

As if possessed by the hero of a novel, I felt the need to courageously do something, something that could put my own life in danger. I could not wait for father's help nor use my brain to figure out the schematics of vanquishing what I was up against. 

Pushing through the crowd, I heard Guo Nai Nai calling after me. All I could think of was Mu Dan. 

That silly girl. 

That silly girl who was the only friend I had in the world.

I didn't want to lose her. 

Dipping my handkerchief in a bucket of water, I tied the cloth around the bottom half of my face. The smoke was strong and polluted down my throat,  penetrating my lungs. 

Just bear with it!

"Mu Dan!" I screamed as loud as I could. "Chen Mu Dan!" 

In the Chen Family Hall, Uncle and Aunt Chen lied dead on the floor in pools of their own blood. The fire surrounded their bodies, destroying the once loving home.

No... Who would do this? Who would want to kill Uncle and Aunt Chen? What about Mu Dan?! Where is Mu Dan?!

I ran out toward Mu Dan's chambers. The entrance was heavily burnt. The doors were wide open and smoke escaped through. I could see the orange-red flicker of blaze enveloping the inside. I rushed in quickly and avoided getting burned by the claws of flames.

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