Finally Meeting Kurama | Chapter 11

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"Papa, did he give you an answer?" Himawari asked her father.
"About what, Hima?" He questioned.
"Did he say anything about meeting me?" She frowned.
"He hasn't said anything to me Hima. Why don't you ask him?" Naruto urged her.
"Kurama-san, I'm sorry to disturb you, but can I please meet you?" She asked.
"Kid, if you want to meet me, you'll have to feed me Miss Hyuga's stew every Friday and take Naruto out for dinner every Sunday dinner. Can you do that?" Kurama asked from inside Naruto.
"I'll try my best." She smiled.
"Not good enough." Kurama turned his head away.
"Okay. Okay. I'll do it. I promise." Himawari pleaded.
"Okay. Let's go to the training grounds." Kurama said.
They left for the training grounds.
"Naruto, summon the frog." Kurama ordered.
"Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" Naruto clipped his thumb and summoned Gamakichi.
"Yo! Naruto! It's been a while!" Gamakichi waved at him.
"But Papa! You said Kurama is a fox and not a frog!" Himawari teared up.
"Naruto, now transform together with the frog." Kurama ordered again.
"Yes, alright. Henge no Jutsu!" And they both collectively transformed into the Nine Tails Fox.
"Woah!!!!!" Himawari was shocked!
"So, Hima? What do you think?" Naruto said while transformed.
"Wow! Papa! This is Kurama! Wow!" Himawari jumped around in happiness.
Naruto slowly took her with one of his tails and put her in his head.
"Yay! Papa! Kurama is super amazing!" Himawari cheered.
They came home with cheery faces, only to find Hinata working in the kitchen.
"Hinata! What do you think you're doing?! You go rest!!! Leave this to me!" Naruto shouted at her.
"Naruto-kun," she took his face in her hands, "Look at me." And she stepped back a little.
She twirled around herself with her now more than shoulder length hair.
"Wow, Hinata. You're beautiful!" He said and stared at her.
"That's not what I meant! I meant look at me. I'm okay now! I'm not hurt anymore, all my plaster is gone, all the bones are healed and my Byakugan is also good. I am the Hinata who can do everything now." She stepped closer to him.
"Naruto-kun, I appreciate everything that you did all these days. But now, let's get back to how we were. You being the Hokage and me being a Hokage's supportive wife." She smiled at him endearingly.
"Hinata, I don't want to leave everything to you. I like this more than being Hokage. I love spending time with you, Hima and Boruto. I love doing things to help you." He held her.
"Naruto-kun, I know you're very happy for doing these things for us, but Kakashi Sensei has already retired. Plus, he needs to find himself a partner before he gets old, right?" She winked.
"Papa!" Himawari jumped and Naruto let go off of Hinata, flustered and blushing.
"You can take us out to dinner every Sunday! This way you'll be able to spend time with us and also be able to do your Hokage work!" She smiled.
"Smart move, kid." Kurama thought as he slept inside Naruto.
"That's a great idea, Hima-chan! My daughter is becoming super smart!" He picked her up.
"Oi! Naruto! Are you just going to pretend you don't know anything?" Kurama growled.
"No. I'm gonna take a test." Naruto winked.
"Hima," he said out loud, "and what if I can't make it? I mean I would love to but Hokage work is a lot of important work dattebayo."
"We won't mind a clone either, Papa. We just want to spend time with you. Kakashi O-san taught me that all the experience and knowledge of a clone is given back to the original after it is gone." She smiled.
"So, Hima, if I were to send a clone and it was attacked by someone, what would you do?" He asked her calmly.
"Lock on." She said activating her Byakugan.
"Hey! Hima! It's just a clone! Who cares about a clone?! I can always make thousands others." He shrugged
"Papa," she was serious, "No matter how many clones you can produce, each one of them are a part of you, each of them are you. If anyone hurts any even the tiniest part of you, I will not spare them."
"This kid will someday become a good Shinobi." Kurama smiled and Naruto nodded in agreement.
"Do the same for your comrades, okay Hima?" He smiled at his daughter and put her down.
"Now Hima, go on. Go to your room." He urged her.
"Hinata," he turned to his wife putting her silky hair over her ear and planting a kiss on her forehead, "I want you to take complete care of yourself. If you feel anything ask me, Boruto or Hima for anything. We will gladly serve you, my Queen." He kneeled in front of her, took her hand and kissed it.
"So, my King" she said holding his shoulders and pulling him up, "I would like you to do something for me." She winked as they went up to their room.
"Here." She said handing him the comb.
"Mmhmm." He nodded as he combed through her now long silky hair, occasionally massaging.

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