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Taenana Strawberry or vanilla lip gloss? Its a harder question then you think

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Taenana Strawberry or vanilla lip gloss? Its a harder question then you think.


TaeTaeTrue It really is but strawberry

TaelyEverAfter Vanilla

TaeBbeautiful Sort of but strawberry is life

SunnyHope Strawberry for lips... Vanilla 😋

Taenana @SunnyHope Hobie stop 😳

Jinlisa @SunnyHope Get off my Christian server 😤

Namdaddy @SunnyHope There are children here!

SunnyHope @Namdaddy So? @Jinlisa Since when were you a Christian?

Jinlisa @SunnyHope A blessing such as myself must be

KayKat I didn't wake for this sexual shit 😑

Jayplayboy @KayKat umm... Who are you?

KayKat @Jayplayboy ...

Jayplayboy @KayKat I knew it was you baby! I-I was just testing you!

Jayplayboy @Kaykat Please don't leave me, I love you and look I made you food!

Jayplayboy @Kaykat

Jayplayboy @Kaykat

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Jayplayboy @Kaykat And dessert

Jayplayboy @Kaykat And dessert

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Jinlisa @Jayplayboy What restaurant did you rob?

SunnyHope @Jinlisa Kook can cook

Jinlisa @SunnyHope Come again?

Taenana @SunnyHope You're joking?

Namdaddy Nope, he's our little bunny chef

Kaykat @Jayplayboy Yo-You can cook?

Jayplayboy @Kaykat Yes I can baby 😏

Kaykat @Jayplayboy Where do you live again?

Jayplayboy akdjbdydbfksbfksbdkshdj

Namdaddy Here eat a snicker, you're having a stroke

Jinlisa You're telling me that this baby can cook? He can't spell but he can cook?

Taenana I'm surprised he can read

Namdaddy @Jinlisa @Taenana Leave him alone, he's a good kid

SunnyHope A good kid who got a four in English...

Jinlisa @SunnyHope A four!?! A fucking four!?!

Taenana And he still alive? He must be doing something right

Jinlisa @Taenana But he can't read!

Namdaddy @Jinlisa He can read... Why are you saying that?

Jinlisa @Namdaddy If you got a four on ANY test... You can't read



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Jayplayboy @Jinlisa I cann read! Howw cann I cok without reding a cokbook!

Namdaddy @Jayplayboy The fucking errors... I can't...

Namdaddy has logged off

Jinlisa My husband! See what you did!?! @Jayplayboy I'm coming daddy!

Jinlisa has logged off

SunnyHope Didn't he just have a stroke? Y'all blame him

Taenana @SunnyHope Master I'm lonely 😢

SunnyHope has logged off

Taenana Hehe, works every time

Taenana has logged off

Jayplayboy Why don't I have any friends!?!

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