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"Places my beauties and you two over there"

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"Places my beauties and you two over there". Pablo says the last part to Jungkook and Yoongi. 'I'm going to ripe his heart out his chest". Yoongi growled. 'Where is my star!?!". Pablo yelled. 'Right here Pabbie".

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'Wow". Jungkook says and stares at Kym. 'Look at my daughter!". Jin squeals. 'Where the fuck is Namjoon!?!". Jin yelled. 'I'm right here love".

'This is a man people

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'This is a man people... Soak it in". Jin says and attached his self to Namjoon. 'Look at our daughter". Jin said. 'I see her". Namjoon chuckled. 'Tsk". Kym rolled her eyes. 'Can we get this over with?". Kym says and looks at Jungkook who was staring at her. 'Earth to you Jungkook". Kym waved her hand in his face. 'Huh?". Jungkook blinked.

'This scene... Let's do it". Kym giggled and Jungkook smiled at her. 'Su-sure". Jungkook said. 'Fabulous! Get in places quick!". Pablo says. 'Ok!". Kym and Jungkook says at the same time and took their places. 'And... Action!".

'Minyoung... Where did you take me?". Kym asked. 'This is your anniversary present". Jungkook replied. 'My what?". Kym looked at Jungkook. 'This is what I was going to give you before everything went to hell". Jungkook said. 'Some of the nights that I didn't come home was because I was building this place for you". Jungkook said. 'Yo-you build this on your own?". Kym said.

'I did". Jungkook grins. 'I'm pretty proud of myself". Jungkook chuckled. 'Wh-why di...". 'Cause I love you Nina". Jungkook said. "You are the only person that my heart is telling me to love and the first time I met you, you told me to follow the path that my hearts tells me and that's what I've been doing". Jungkook said.

'Minyoung...". Kym looks at Jungkook. Jungkook just takes Kym's hand and kissed it. 'Nina... Please realize that I never meant to hurt you... choosing money over you was a horrible choice and I can't take that back but I will move forward from it... Forward with you... If you let me". Jungkook said. 'Min... Oh!". Kym gasped when Jungkook kissed her cheek.

'Don't answer yet... I want you to think about it first". Jungkook smiled, lets Kym's hand go and moves away from her. 'Why did you move?". Kym asked. 'I want you to look around... I want you to see my love for you all around this garden". Jungkook said. 'And where are you going?". Kym said. 'I'm going to sit right here and watch your eyes shine when you how much I love you".

"I forgot how much of a smooth talker you are". Kym giggled. 'Learned from my dad". Jungkook chuckled. 'Run around". Jungkook said. 'I'm not going to run around". Kym huffed. 'Sure". Jungkook smirked. Kym stuck out her tongue and looked around the garden. 'Beautiful as always". Jungkook says in a low voice. 'Cut!". Pablo yelled.

'Kym! My Queen! You were pure perfection!". Pablo claps. 'Thank you darling". Kym giggled. 'Min... You were good... Really good actually". Pablo said. 'Did Pablo Aiello just compliment someone?". Kym gasped. 'Shut it Kym". Pablo hissed and Kym laughed. 'Yoongi". Pablo says. 'Yo?". Yoongi said.

'Your love scene with Jimin is next".

He's so pretty (Yoonmin) *DONE*✅Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant