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Adriana ran along the grass, the morning dew cooled her ankles. She rolled over onto the ground and started taking selfies.

"Oooh, I like this one! It's going right on Instagram!" She tapped away at her iPhone.

She laid on her back and stared at the clouds. She pulled her earphones out of her jean pocket and stuffed the buds into her ears. She opened up Spotify and played her Ed Sheeran playlist.

"I'm in love with the shape of you..." She sang out loud.

She breathed deeply, inhaling the fragrant morning dew. She laid on the grass until her playlist finished. She got up and slid her phone into her back pocket.

She walked over to the bench and laid her feet onto the seat opposite her. She went over onto her phone again, checking her notifications. As she did so, she glanced over at the clock on her phone.

"Ahh, I should be getting home now." She stated.

She slid out of the seat and was about to leave when she noticed something. She kneeled onto the ground and stared at the ground. The sun reflected onto the small gem. It's bright red colour shimmered in the morning sunlight. She moved the dirt over with her fingers.

"What's this?" She said to herself.

She was then interrupted by the sound of a notification on her phone.

"Oooh! I got a notif!" She rejoiced grabbing the phone.

She left to go home, leaving the gem in the dirt.


She walked home in the morning sun. When she approached her door she remembered all the homework she had. She groaned and shook he head at the thought of it.

She opened the door and walked in, she was greeted by the smell of breakfast drifting throughout the house invading her nostrils.

"Hey, love." Her mum called from the kitchen.

"Hey mum." She walked into the kitchen and was greeted by a more stronger smell of bacon and eggs and music.

"Why are you listening to your olden days music, mum?"

"What?" She whined. "Why not?"

"Your music is too old mum! You should listen to modern day music."

"Oh, shut it! Breakfast is ready." Her mum said as she spooned the food onto two plates for them both.

"Is dad coming?" Adriana asked.

"No, he's working today. That means it's only the two of us." Her mum answered.

"Where's Sabrina?" She asked.

"I sent her to the store to pick up some milk, she should be back soon." Her mum answered.

"Alright... But seriously could you turn of your music." Adriana rolled her eyes.

"Oh... But it's Elvis!" She smiled widely.

"I don't care mum, you should listen to music of today." Adriana got out her phone and started texting.

Her mum turned off the music.

"No phones at the table." She reminded.

Adriana rolled her eyes again and slid her phone back into her pocket. Her mum joined her at the table and they started eating together.

"Did you finish you essay for English?" Her mum scooped some eggs on to her fork.

"No." She murmured.

"It's due tomorrow! You need to finish it!"

"I will." She whined.

They finished their breakfast and Adriana skipped into the living room, phone in hand. Her mum looked at the table, not cleared. She sighed.

"Come and help me, Adriana!"

Adriana looked up. She whined, "Why?"

"Because I do everything around this house and when I ask for your help you just-"

"Fine I'll do it!" She yelled. "I don't want a lecture!"

She got up and stomped over to the table.

"Don't be such a git!" Her mum retaliated.

"What does that mean, mum?! Is that some stupid olden day language?!" Adriana burst.

"Yes dear, it's British slang. Ain't it gear?"

Adriana sighed. They finished clearing the table. Adriana skipped back to the living room and picked up her phone.

"Essay!" Her mum ordered from the kitchen.

Adriana cursed under her breath. She fumbled her English book and clicked a pen. She scribbled down a whole bunch of things onto the faint blue lines which seemed to move everytime she concentrated on them.

"Done!" She yelled in triumph. "Dumb essay done for dumb English!"

She picked up her phone again and started texting away. Then something occurred to her. The gem she saw in the dirt...

"Mum, I'm going to the park again." She yelled.

"Okay. There's nothing like getting a tan in the English sun. But, if the sun don't come don't get get a tan from standing in the English rain. Haha!" The last few words turned into laughter.

Adriana sighed. Though she didn't understand the reference, she knew it was a reference due to the way her mother got excited as she delivered it.

"Don't worry just a reference." Her mother sighed.

"Yes I know mum." Adriana rolled her eyes again.

Adriana slid her phone back into her pocket. She got up and went to go to the park.

"Good girl." Her mum called in front of a sink of steaming hot water.

She walked out into the cool air and went over to the park. She skipped through the grass and went over to the bench again.

"Here is the gem I wanted to check out." She got onto her knees and inspected the ground.

She carefully wiped away the dirt and revealed the gem. She picked it up in her hands and inspected it, wiping the little bit of dust still left on it with her thumb.

She slid into the bench and placed the gem on the wood plank of the picnic table in front of her. She sat, just inspecting the vibrant red colour of the gem, shimmering in the sunlight.

Eventually she got up and went to go, leave for home. She scooped the gem into her muddy fingers and stuffed it into her jean pocket.


"I'm back!" Adriana called swinging the door open.

"Hey Adriana!" Sabrina greeted.

"Hey Sabbi!"

"How was it?" Her mum asked.


She walked to the bathroom and ran the gem under gushing water. She turned off the tap and gave the gem a small flick and buried it into a towel.

Songs mentioned:

Shape of you by Ed Sheeran

I am the walrus by The Beatles

Tomorrow Never Knows • The Beatles [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now