Hello Everybody!

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So, it's been like, a million years, but I just checked back up on this story, and god, I feel like I need to explain myself.
I'm eighteen years old now. I started this story when I was around eleven or twelve, and that's when I had my...revelation. I am a bisexual.
The "Tessa-Lee" chapter was based off of my own experiences with a girl that terrified me beyond belief. (Not exactly up to what (Y/N) went through, I was projecting...also no, there was no r*pe, it was just a kidnapping. I stg.) It was something I was actually going through at the time, and figured I could reflect and vent it in my writing. I did not understand that it could come off as homophobic, triggering, or offensive in any way, because I was not using it for a "plot trope".
I was confused.
Things were happening to me that I didn't understand. My first experience with a girl who liked me romantically nearly ended in a restraining order. I felt like I didn't have any sort of escape from it, so I put it out there and left. Looking back, I see how it could have come off. A plot point, bad representation, the lot, but honestly...it wasn't meant to be like that. Tessa deserves a better ending anyway.
I'm a lot better now. One thousand times better. I'm not a closeted kid anymore, I'm proud of myself and proud of the friends, readers, and commenters who didn't act negatively or respond as if I was an adult writing it, because I wasn't.
Thank you all for listening. I'm considering removing this, or possibly, in my free time, going back and changing everything, and making it better.
I just don't want anybody thinking that that's still me. This story has been a record of my life, the things I've done, and what I've been through.
Thank you for understanding.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2020 ⏰

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