Till Next Time

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The next few days went by terribly slow.

Being infused with chameleon DNA, plus a few other animals, I am able to shape-shift into anything.

The catch, if I come into skin-on-skin contact with anything with skin, or fur, or whatever, my skin would ripple and I'd change back to my original form.

And after that, I couldn't camouflage myself, or shape-shift, unless I was away from them.

That didn't count if I was shape-shifted into an inanimate thing, though.

But I couldn't do that all the time. It wouldn't be safe being a ninja-teapot or something.

How would a teapot even be a ninja.

Wait, that's besides the point. Anyway, I didn't show up at school. But, I watched over my friends. I even risked being captured, by turning into wind and knocking over a FootClan soldier that was about to shoot Leo.

I sometimes patrol the streets. I saw a girl about to get attacked by the purple dragons, and I shape-shifted into an actual ninja, beating them to a pulp, sending them to jail, and escorting the girl home.

I really needed to change. And shower. I felt terrible.

I needed a place to stay. But obviously, going back to the lair, or my apartment was out of the question.

Maybe I could find another trustable outcast.

Tessa, April, and the turtles were constantly searching for me.

I remember watching Raph, alone, at night.


There he was.

The moon behind him, his mask blowing in the wind.

He was looking, with his green eyes, into the stars.

" Where are you, Celeste." He whispered.

I edged closer, still invisible.

" I miss you so much. I just wish, I got to talk to you, before you left. I don't even know if you're still in New York, but I'll keep looking. It could be years, it could be minuets. But I won't rest, until I've found you." Raph whispered.

I decided to speak.

" Raph. I'm not going to be gone forever."

He turned, wide eyed, at me.

" Celest?"

" Yes?" I became visible.

Raph smiled. " H-How much of that did you hear?"

" Enough." I smiled. " You need not worry about me leaving New York. I won't."

" But... Will you come back to us?" Raph asked.

" No. Not yet." I said.

" Okay... I'm not going to pressure you into doing anything you don't want to." Raph said, putting his head down. " But we miss you." He looked at me. " I, miss you."

" I didn't leave because of anything you guys did. Heck, I miss you guys so much. But... I'm really unstable." I said.

" What do you mean?" He sat down, and motioned for me to sit next to him.

I did.

" I... I just don't know the extent of my powers, and I... I don't want to hurt any of you. Maybe... When I gain more control over my powers... I might come back." I turned, and looked at him. Our eyes met. Green on blue.

" I understand." Raph said, after a long pause. " But, if I let you go... Without stopping you... Can you promise me something?"

I raised an eyebrow. " Depends on the promise."

" That I'll see you again." Raph said. He instantly coughed. " I mean... That we'll see you again."

" I don't need to promise that." I said, standing up. " Because I will see you... guys again."

" I... I just want to know you're safe." Raph said.

" Raph... Can you promise me something?"

" What?"

" That you won't tell anybody that I said I'd see you guys again. I want to go under the radar for a bit. Shredder has been looking for me." I said.

" That, I can do." Raph smiled.

" Until next time." I said, saluting him.

" Till next time, Celeste." Raph said, smiling. But he folded his arms, and frowned a second later.

" Please." I said, turning around. My hair was billowing in the breeze. My skin rippled, and I was dressed as a ninja, completely in black.

My mask was a dark, sleek purple, with silver and black outline. I turned to face him, my bright blue eyes peeking from behind the mask.

" Call me, NightWind." I said, and dropped off the side of the building. I flipped around a bit, and came up on the other side.

" Till next time, NightWind." Raph said, saluting me back.

I dissipated into black smoke, and re-appeared at the docks.

" Till next time, Raphael." My voice carried in the wind, straight to his ears.

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