Colton turns and smirks at me. "Says who, Blondie? We're humans. Lying is in our nature." He replies. I raise an eyebrow. "Doesn't make it right though." I say stubbornly. He thinks for a moment.

"No. I guess it doesn't." He agrees. We stare at each other for a minute. Finally, Alyssa snaps her perfectly manicured finger nails in front of his face.

"Well, tomorrow then?" She asks hopefully. Sighing, Colton nods his head. Alyssa flashes a blinding smile at him and faces the front. The rest of class is boring as hell. Although, Alyssa's frequent glares my way were entertaining. Especially when I just smile brightly in return and wave my fingers

The bell finally rings, causing a sigh of relief to leave my lips. Nick is waiting outside the door when I exit. His class is right beside mine so we walk to lunch together. "How was class with Satan?" My brother questions. I laugh.

"Interesting. Hey Nick..." I say suddenly.

He stops and turns to me. "What's wrong?" He asks. I shake my head. "Nothing. Just out of curiosity, are the rumors circling a certain Douglas boy true?" I ask. My brother chews his bottom lip and looks at me uncertainly.

"Why do you ask?" He questions.

I shrug. "Curious. As I said. So, are they?" He sighs. "Which rumors? The player or gang one?" I pause. "Both?" I say hesitantly. He sighs. "Colton is a player, Naomi. Don't get involved." He says, answering one of my questions.

"And the gang?" I persist. "Anything you want to know Darling, you can personally ask me. Not some dude who knows absolutely nothing about me." Someone says. I turn. Figures, with my luck the beast himself is behind me.

"This dude is my brother. I feel much more comfortable asking him then you Mr. Douglas." I say evenly. Nick protectively wraps an arm around my shoulder. Colton glances at it and smirks. "I won't do anything to her big guy. She's a girl." He says, throwing his hands up in surrender.

"Better safe then sorry." Nick growls. I sigh. "Look, I was curious and just asking. Okay? I'm hungry now. We'll be going." I say coolly. I pull my brother along to the cafeteria. "I hate him." Nick mutters. I roll my eyes. "No. You hate what you think is him. Hate is like love Nicholas. You can't hate someone you don't actually know." I correct.

He furrows his brows. "No. I hate him." He says again. Sighing, I shake my head and glare hard at my brother. "No you do not. Rumors are meant to mess with your head, and that's what they're doing. It's like saying you hate pizza without actually trying it." I say.

My brother stares at me. "Are you comparing Colton to food?" He questions. I roll my eyes. "No. I'm using an example." I say, frustrated. Nick finally sighs and nods his head. "Okay. Then I hate the rumors and image this dude has. Better?"

I smile. "Much."

"Hey guys!" Leah says. She drops her tray on our table and sits down next to me. Nick smiles at her tightly before turning to his food. What's his problem? Did our conversation actually upset him? Henry plops down next to Nicholas and grins at us.

"Hey fellas." Nick turns to him and they seem to have a mind conversation. Damn boys and their guy telepathy. Leah looks at me in confusion, but I just shrug. "Naomi, right?" I look up. Some boy is standing above me, looking at me with curiosity. I think I've seen him around with the other bad boys.

His Attention ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now