Chapter Twenty-One

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I anxiously pace back and forth in Colton's hospital room. "You need to relax." He mumbles. I turn to him and glare. "Relax? Somebody just shot you to get to me!" I exclaim. Allow me to fill you in. Ellie and I rushed out of the studio, leaving Leah behind, and raced to the hospital.

Leo and his gang were already here, along with Duncan. Apparently the guys were all hanging out...which confused me a bit seeing as Colton kind of hates Jay right now. Anyways, I left El waiting out there and ran to Colton's room. He told me that the coward in a ski mask that shot him, said "Take this as a warning. Hand over the Cooper girl and we'll leave your gang alone."

Apparently the dude is also a member of Colton's rival gang. The Timber Wolves or whatever. "I'm fine Super Girl. It's not like I haven't been shot before." He reminds me casually. I eye his bandaged stomach and sigh. "Whatever. But it's my fault it happened." I whine.

The gang leader frowns. "Did you pull the trigger?" He asks. "Well no but-"

"Naomi, if you didn't pull the trigger it wasn't your fault." He says slowly. I sigh.

"He came after you to get me though." I protest. The door to the room opens and Jay peeks his head in. "The doctor told me to get you so Colton can rest." He says. I nod and walk out without saying bye.

"What happened?" He asks as we walk back to the waiting room. I shrug.

"Nothing important I just....I need to speak to Ellie." I mumble. I leave him behind and grab Ellie's arm. She protests as I drag her down the hall and push her into some supply closet. "I'm not into you that way." She blurts out.

I stare at her weirdly. "Dude I'm straight." I say. She releases a breath of relief before furrowing her brows in confusion.

"Then why'd you drag me in here?" She questions. I sigh. "The person who shot Colt is a gang member of the Timber Wolves. Their rival gang. But he shot Colton to get to me." I explain. She frowns.

"You're a new member. Who has like no social status in your gang except for being in the inner circle and a little bit emotionally involved with the leader. Why would they go straight to Colton and demand you?" She asks. I roll my eyes. "I don't know Ellie. That's why I'm talking to you." I say in a 'duh' tone.

My friend sighs. "We could talk to Leo." She suggests. I shake my head wildly.

"No. I don't want to take unnecessary measures. I don't want to add more people in this mess than needs be." I say, shooting down the idea. Ellie rolls her electric blue eyes at me.

"It's not unnecessary. It's safety." She says stubbornly. I glare hard at her. "No Ellie." I deny. She releases a long ass sigh and shakes her head at me. "Whatever. Let's go back out before the boys think we actually are making out." She says. I chuckle I turn to open the door.

The knob jiggles but doesn't open. I push harder. "Shit." I hiss. Ellie frowns. "Did you seriously lock us in the supply closet at a hospital?" She asks in disbelief. I shrug sheepishly. She huffs. "You're impossible! I mean seriously Mi? You got us locked in a fucking supply closet?" She says exasperated.

I shuffle my feet and stare at the ground. I really am an idiot. My friend sighs and goes to pull out her phone...only to come up short. "Fuck. I gave it to Leo to hold." She mumbles. I raise an eyebrow.

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