Chapter Three

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"Are you dumb?" Is the first thing Nick says when I call him. I explained that Leah and I were at Colton's house. I didn't say why, obviously. But he isn't happy. "Dumb means you can't speak. So technically no. But relax Nicholas. We're fine and safe. Colton won't do anything." I assure.

My brother scoffs. "Yeah sure whatever. What am I supposed to tell Mom and Dad?" He asks. I pause. "Um...that Leah and I are spending the rest of the day at the mall?" I suggest. Nick sighs. "Fine. You're lucky I love you." I grin. "Love you too."

I click the end call button and turn to Leah. Her shaking has lessened, thankfully. "Are you okay?" I ask. She looks at me. She looks like a mess.

"How are you so calm?" She asks me. I shrug, looking down at my hands.

"Weren't you scared?" She presses. I purse my lips, nodding slightly.

"Obviously. We were in the middle of a shooting ground. I've just learned not to show my emotions I guess. If people know how you're feeling they can use it against you." I say slowly. She just looks at me.

"Here you go ladies." The elderly woman, who I've come to know is named Clarisse, says. She hands us each a mug of hot chocolate and places a tray of cookies on the side table. "Thanks Clarisse." I say nicely. She smiles. "Clara, darling. And no problem." She smiles softly at us before heading back to the kitchen.

"Clara?" A voice calls out. Colton, Duncan, Brody and a boy I haven't met yet walk into the living room. "Oh. Good. You made it safely?" Colton asks. Leah looks at him. "No. We died a few times." She says, her tone dead.

The guys awkwardly sit down. "Oh, boys. Welcome home. Can I get you anything?" Clara asks. They all shake their heads and mumble thank yous.

"I'm Galvin." The other boy says suddenly. My guess, is he's trying to fill the awkward silence.Colton and Duncan shoot glares at him. "Right. So you probably have questions." Colton says.

I chew on my bottom lip, a bit anxious. "The rumors...they're true. You four are in a gang. My guess, is Colton is the leader. Judging by how Duncan called him boss. And Duncan is your second in command. Being Colton's best friend is isn't hard to figure out. And what just happened was supposed to be a smooth shipment but another gang dropped in. Creating havoc." I say in a rush.

The boys blink at me. Not saying a word. I look at Leah. She's also just staring, probably thinking over what I said. "Correct actually." Brody says. A small smile takes over on his face. "You're a smart one. You'd make a good addition to the gang. Plus the way the boys talked about your good shot." He says.

"No!" Colton refuses. I awkwardly shift in my seat. "I agree with Cole. It's too dangerous to let them join." Duncan says. Galvin looks over at them. "Not necessarily. I mean, Leah I wouldn't be one hundred percent sure about in the gang. No offense. But Naomi...damn. Girl has skills Boss. It could also throw the other gangs off. That we have a girl y'know? With just a little more training she could catch up." He explains.

I find myself smiling. Despite it being dangerous, being apart of a gang sounds thrilling. Amazing. Fun. It'd be awesome! "Don't tell me you're thinking about it!" Leah says suddenly. I look at her. She's staring at me in shock, a bit of anger and worry. I lower my eyes.

"Of course not." I mumble. Leah sighs in relief. "Oh good." Colton slides a hand through his hair. "Gav has a point I guess though. Can I speak to Naomi? Alone?" The three guys, and Leah slowly stand. Leah shoots me a look and walks out behind them. "What?" I ask.

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