I need to get to Otis and Emma. My hand comes into contact with the front door knob at the same time Quentin grabs my elbow trying to stop me, ripping my arm out of his hold I throw the door open racing out into the night. With my heart pounding and lungs burning I try to stay calm but it's hard when I'm feeling the same emotions from my dream. I can faintly hear my name being called but it sounds too far away, and it doesn't matter because I need to make sure Emma and Otis are okay.

Emma and Oliver's house comes into view and my heart drops slightly when I see a few lights on in the house. Pushing myself to run faster I don't even consider knocking as I reach the front door. Instead I almost tear it off it's hinges letting it slam shut behind me. Taking the steps two at a time I automatically go for Otis's room first.

I almost collapse with relief as my eyes lock on the sleeping baby in his crib not hair out of place. Walking over I sink into the rocking chair situated next to his crib. I stroke his few strands of hair on the top of his head more to calm myself down than anything. Footsteps barrel up the steps causing Otis to stir a bit worrying me that he'll wake up because I don't think I'm ready to here him cry. I pick him up out of the crib cradling him to my chest rocking him streadly so he won't wake up. Quentin, Oliver, and my dads file into the room heaving out of breath.

"He's okay." I whisper nodding to myself. Quentin eyes are wide as he takes a apprehensive step forward holding his hands out. His eyes look scared causing a wave of guilt to wash over me. Emma comes jogging into the room her eyes zeroing on Otis in my arms.

"Tessa give me Otis." Her voice is gentle but I can hear the threat behind her words. My eyebrows furrow in confusion. What is everyone looking at me like I'm doing something horrible. Oh my goddess they think I'm going to do something to Otis!

"I just needed to know he was okay." I blabber out through tears as the adrenaline wears off leaving me feeling tired, scared, and worst of all guilty. Emma's eyes soften as she take Otis from me and heads out of the room. Quentin pulls me into his arms turning to ask Oliver to get a blanket.

"Let's get you covered up, you're shivering." He whispers, and I realize I'm only wearing underwear and one of his t-shirts. Thankfully it falls to about mid thigh. My cheeks heat up knowing my dads are standing in the doorway.

"I'm sorry." I sob out the weight of everything hitting me like a truck. Picking me up bridal style Quentin carries me down the stairs to the living room and sets me down on the couch before covering me with a think warm blanket.

"How many have you had?" Ryder sounds stiff his body is ridged as he sits down in a chair across from me. Fletcher stands behind him looking at the wall lost in thought. By their disheveled looks I know they were woken up because of me.

"A few." I admit looking down at my shaking hands. I'm not sure whether it's because of my nightmare or the cold temperature outside. Ryder sighs heavily rubbing his eyes with his palms before ruining his hands through his hair.

These nightmare aren't just effecting me anymore they're effecting those I care about. I need to get to the bottom of this and figure out why they have come back now. My first step is to talk to Aidan since Della thought it might have something to do with my mother. Emeric suggested I talk to Aidan because of the guilt Della still carries to this day, and I've already caused issues with enough people I'm not going to drag anyone else into this if I can help it.

                                      * * *

"Are you sure you can't stay another day?" I plead with my dads. After the incident last night none of us were able to fall back asleep. My dads demanded I tell them everything about my nightmares from the beginning. They weren't happy that I hadn't told them yet but they understood none the less. I tired my best to play it off that it's just because of me moving from home and I'm just adjusting, but I know they didn't buy it. Revealing that I am going to talk to Aidan about learning more about my mom didn't get the reaction I anticipated. I was expecting hurt, sadness, or guilt coming from them but they were excited. They told me they always wanted me to find out as much as I could about my mom but they never wanted to push me into it without me being ready.

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