Start from the beginning

"It's also fireproof," Kevin interrupted Freya's moment. "You know, just in case you erupt into flames."

Freya laughed and shook her head, "Thanks, but you know I can't do that."

He pulled Freya into a hug and kissed her forehead, "I love you, be safe out there."

Freya smiled into his embrace, "Don't worry, I will be."


Freya had changed quickly into her uniform on and packed a small backpack as swiftly as she could and left for the Quinjet, but not before taking a picture and sending it to Maddie, Brody and Tyler, which Freya knew wouldn't have sent (but hoped it would anyway) because the group were hundreds of meters in the air.

It was just Steve, Natasha, some random agent Freya didn't know, and herself in the Quinjet to Germany and it was pretty quiet. For the first half of the flight she watched a movie she downloaded on her phone before it died. Freya then became bored, fidgeting around a lot, humming, singing. It wasn't until Freya saw Steve across from her gazing around the Quinjet that she decided she could do something she should've started a week ago.

"So Cap'n Crunch, I was just wondering.. umm, " Freya said nervously, "Do you want to help me with my assignment.. about you?"

Steve scrunched his eyebrows in confusion, "Cap'n Crunch?"

Freya mentally slammed her head against a wall. "It's a type of cereal."

Steve just nodded unsurely before answering Freya's question with a small shrug, "Sure."

Freya smiled widely before grabbing a notepad and pen she had stored in her small backpack she had brought with her before sitting next to Steve. "So in class we are learning about World War ll and since you were a huge part of that, we were also learning about you. I actually was meant to go on this excursion tomorrow to the Smithsonian because they have an exhibit on you and that was were I was meant to get the information for my report but since I'm here, I kinda can't"

Steve looked perplexed. "There's an exhibit on me?"

Freya nodded, excitement bubbling up inside her, "Of course there is! We wouldn't have won the War without you! Also you were the world's first superhero and the origins of how you came to be is really remarkable." Freya has realised she had been rambling and flushed from embarrassment, face in her hands, "Oh my god I'm so sorry!"

Steve chuckled at the young girl and put his hand on her shoulder reassuringly. "It's perfectly alright. Now, what do you need help with?"

Freya has somehow managed to muster the strength to lift her head from her face. "Well what I have to do is research and explain the difficulties and experiences that Captain America and his Howling Commandos would've faced from a reliable source, which I would have gotten from the Smithsonian but," Freya looked Steve up and down, "you seem like a reliable source to me."

"Oh," Steve said quietly, his body tensing, "well it was a very difficult time. Um-"

"We're here, get ready to jump guys." Natasha interrupted Steve. Steve looked relieved and jumped up to put a parachute on.

Freya was confused as to why Steve was relieved before realising why while watching him put on his parachute. He had just woken from being preserved in ice for seventy years. The events of World War Two were probably still pretty fresh in his memory. Freya was hit with a sudden feeling of guilt.

Ember [AVENGERS SAGA]Where stories live. Discover now