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every step I took I slowly lost another part of myself.

The thought of her small hand in mine as we walked through the snow, the snowballs we would throw back and forth until the streetlights turned on and the sky was a orange yellow blend just floated in my mind.

the season moved on without her,

but I can't.

I need her.

I miss her.

I love her.

People hurt her until she couldn't stand to be hurt anymore,

and thats killing me inside.

I will always admire her.

how she was so strong,

how she kept that gorgeous smile that never failed to make me fall in love with her all over again,

and now all I can fall in love with all over again is the pictures of me and her hanging on my dresser mirror.

She didn't deserve any of the things she got.

she deserved nothing but the best.

and they didn't give her what she deserved.

As we finally came to a stop,

I lifted my head up.

and what I saw will forever haunt me to my grave.

there she was.

the love of my life,

laying there,

In a plain brown casket.

water took over my eyes as my vision got blurry,

And my legs got weak.

I put my head in my hands as my legs finally gave out and let me fall.

i couldn't take it anymore.

My mom helped me back up as my eyes locked on her again.

she was always so effortlessly gorgeous,

But I never want to see her in a casket.

wether she looked good or not.

I need her.

I can't take it anymore.

I looked around as I saw everyone in my school was here too.

anger took over my body as I clenched my fist.

they didn't care while she was suffering,

and now they fucking care?

I scanned the circle they made using themselves, attempting to find the boy that hit the love of my life.

A year ago she came crying to me with so many cuts,

and she told me not to do anything to him.

Cause he didn't kill her.

but now,
things changed.

he helped kill her.
and he deserves the worst.

I locked eyes with him,
and ran towards him,

punching him as hard as I could.

he fell to the ground and I got ontop of him,
throwing as many blows as I could to his face.

I felt people pulling me back and dragging me away from him.

I try to rip from them and go back at him,
but I couldn't.

I broke down sobbing and started screaming.



I screamed and screamed and screamed, until I no longer could.

I'm not crazy.

I'm still still the same person from fall.

I'm just a boy who lost the love of his life.

the flaws of her mind | jung wheeinWhere stories live. Discover now