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there I stood.

before the ledge of this ragged school's rooftop,

wind blowing my face,

Causing my hair to go in all different directions.

but I really didn't care.

I just hoped that it will all be over soon.

I don't know what feels right or wrong.


I don't even know what feeling.

everything is just so confusing.

everything just seems to be dropping.

My grades,

My self esteem,

My mental health,

and hopefully soon,

My body when i jump.

everything was okay.

until she left me.

Until she decided to end herself.

until she decided to leave me.

I miss her so much.

she was my everything.

but I guess,

everything has to come to a end.

just like my everything did.

and soon,

I will too.

I took a deep breath and stared in front of me,

admiring the beautiful view,

one last time.

I breathed out,

stepping on the ledge before me,

Getting ready to finally free myself.

i spread my arms open 

and was about to step forward.



the flaws of her mind | jung wheeinWhere stories live. Discover now