Chapter 6

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Carlisle's POV

"This is bad," Edward said as He looked back at Echo, Conner, and Jacob. "You realize that the Volturi will stop at nothing to have her join them! I mean they could get rid of the Volturi members they just keep around that aren't particularly good fighters!"

"Edward!" I said "We simply can't let the Volturi know about her power. Aro won't be able to read her mind because she's ran into Bella. She'll be ok, it's not like the Volturi has any reason to be interested in us."

"I can think of one." Edward said looking at his grandson with concern.

"Conner will be fine." I assured him. He's a quarter vampire, a quarter human and half werewolf. He can blend in quite well and he would rather eat human food than blood. The Volturi won't find out about him either." Edward shook his head.

"What are we going to do with her?" he asked.

"Well let her join our family of course!" Alice said in her high musical voice. I turned around to see my adopted daughter Alice.

"I can't believe you didn't see this coming!" Edward snarled.

"Well the werewolf's involvement didn't exactly help anything," she said. "Also she didn't make a decision to come here not really anyway...............she was chased here by the wolves and us."

"You're right Alice," Edward said. "I shouldn't blame you for not seeing her coming, I'm sorry.

"It's ok!" Alice said happily. Alice got a blank look on her face and then smiled. "She's going to love fashion and shopping like I do!" Alice said clapping.

"Conner and Jacob are going into the house to introduce Echo to everyone." Edward said.

"Is she ok with that?" I asked Edward "I mean we did just try to kill her."

I wouldn't know I can't read her mind remember." I nodded and we walked into the house.

I'm sorry it's short again. The next chapter will be longer for sure. Have a grand day!

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