Chapter 2: Duties and Visits

Start from the beginning

Seeing Ai trying to hide her wide grin while packing her clothes made her blush even harder. "O-of course!" She took his warm hand and they set off through the hallways that led to the gardens.

The sun was setting far in the west, casting the beautiful colors of sunset through the sky. Zuko led her to the turtleduck pond. He turned around to the guards following them and waved them off with an exasperated sigh.

An annoying facet of becoming the Fire Lord was the constant security detail. He had explained several times that he was more than capable of handling himself, but the council of elders insisted anyways.

The guards bowed and stepped into the shadows, still having the Fire Lord and the apprentice within their sights.

Chiyo sat by the pond first and looked up at Zuko with a smile, patting her lap. Zuko hastily unclasped the chest armor and shoulder plates, threw them aside and laid himself on the ground, his head on Chiyo's lap.

Suddenly, all the day's stress seemed so far away. The weight of their duties was off their shoulders as they sat there basking in the warmth of the sunset and the light of the slowly appearing stars. No longer Fire Lord and apprentice.

Just Zuko and Chiyo.

She ran her fingers through his hair and his eyes slid closed at her blissful touch. How could he possibly last a year without her? "Chiyo?"


"Do you really, really, have to go to Hira'a?" He opened his eyes and watched for her expression, hoping she would give in and stay by his side.

"You know I have to." She smiled sadly.

"But what if you get into an accident and lose your memories again?"

Chiyo's soft laughter echoed through the garden, even the guards couldn't resist leaning in to hear more. "Zuko, I'm pretty sure there won't be any accidents—"

"You never know! Sometimes, I just feel like the universe is... toying with us. You know? Back in Full Moon bay... then in Ba Sing Se... then in the palace! We were literally a few steps apart and we never saw each other! Listen, I've talked with Sokka about this, and even he agreed that the universe is actually fuc—"

He was stopped when Chiyo placed a finger over the crease that formed between his eyebrows. "Stop frowning, you'll get wrinkles fast."

"Will you love me less if I have lots of wrinkles?"

"You know I can never love you less, Zuko."

He sat up and cupped her cheek with a warm, loving hand. "I can never love you less either, Chiyo."

She closed the distance between them and kissed him softly. Her arms wound around him, over his shoulders as he pulled her closer still.

The sun was gone, and the stars shone brightly against the evening sky, the same sky that watched two children grow up to be where they are now.

They laid back on the soft grass to gaze upon the stars, wondering what the universe had for them next. "The stars are so pretty tonight..."

"Want me to get one for you?"

"Don't be silly, Zuko! You can't just—"

Zuko thrust his hand out towards the sky and clenched his fist. She watched as his hand glowed and faded, before she laughed at his cheesy antics. "Real sweet, Zuko—" She stopped when Zuko released his hold and a thin metal chain hung from his fingers. At the end of the chain was a lone, golden tear-shaped pendant that shone as bright as the stars above them.

The Apprentice's Choice (an Avatar: The Last Airbender Fanfiction Zuko X OC)Where stories live. Discover now