Code 19

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As we headed back to camp, I thought about what Henry had said. What new dinosaur? They couldn't have just made a new dinosaur, or could they have? It was about the time we got there when sirens went off like crazy. "What's going on?" I asked. "It's a Code 19, an asset is out of containment." Said one of the workers. I wasn't to worried about it. I just thought to myself, "Oh its probably just a little trike or para getting into trouble." But what really had happened was at that moment the new dinosaur Henry Wu had just told us about, the Indominus Rex had just broken out of its pen and was running rampant, and we had no idea. We had just got back and started to head to our cabins, when I heard a sound toward the dense jungle. Something was out there. I instantly told my bunk mates to get in the cabin and hide. "W-what is it?" Mary slammered in fear. As we watched out the window, we heard the low sound of branches snapping. Then the sound stopped. Kat stood up and said "Don't worry guys, it was just some birds.". As we looked at the window behind her, a massive shadow blocked the sun. She turned around and there was a massive dinosaur about slightly smaller than the  T.rex, with a rounder snout, and was green with short four inch spikes coming from all the way from the back of its head to its tail. As Kat turned around to see it, I jumped up and covered her mouth and pulled her down out of the Tarbosaurus's sight. "Do you think it saw us?"I asked Isaiah. "No I think I just barely saw you." He said in a hopeful tone. "It's vision is based on movement right?" I asked. "No scientists think that it had a lot better vision than the T.rex." Tom said in a frightened voice. "I'm going to see if it's gone..." I said. I looked through the window just to see one big red eye looking right back at me.

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