The Troodon cabin

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After unpacking our stuff we got to meet some of our bunk mates, Kat Robertson and Tom Hill. There was another girl in the back bunk, but when asked her what her name was, she ignored me. The Troodon cabin was was relatively small, but it was awesome! There was every dinosaur item in the world in there. My favorite item there was the night goggles from Jurassic park, and the Dino field guide. It had everything to know about Camp Cretaceous. It also had a dinosaur section in it about all the dinosaurs in the park. At lunchtime me and Isaiah were talking how cool it was going to be seeing real dinosaurs, when this girl sat down across from us. "I can't believe that my mom was once here on this island. It's definitely not as bad as she said it was.". "What did you say your name was again?" I asked in confusion. "Mary Harding. My mom is Jessica Harding." She replied. "No way, you're a Harding!" I said in amazement. "Your Grandparents worked here when Jurassic Park first opened." I said. She look at me and said, "I know right? It's awesome knowing that my parents were part of Jurassic Park.".

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