Chapter 5: Episode 4

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"Now come, my dear. Your brothers have been eager for your return." He said, holding his hand out. She took it, and Angel was left to walk behind them. Hyde looked back at her with a frustrated face.

"Walk in front of us, you mistake." He hissed. Angel shyly walked in front of them. Quietly observing all the dark, yet elegant features of the courtyard.

It was like a gothic wonderland. I was in love with it.

Yeah, it's nice until you're behind closed doors.

I mean, I get that, but... still pretty.

Upon entering the Sins' Quarters, the Sin of Sloth, who Guardian referred to as Segenam, was asleep on a fancy armchair.

Screams of rage were heard from the Sin of Wrath, Helmer's room, while screams of pleasure and moans could be heard from the room across. Guardian refrained from mentioning who that was, but Angel came to the conclusion that it was the product of the Sin of Lust.

I didn't even wanna know...

But I found out anyway...

Gifre, or the Sin of Greed, was admiring all his gold jewelry in silence, while on the other side of the room, the Sin of Pride known as Asmit was gloating about how he stole Gifre's real chain and was wearing it now. Livius, the Sin of Envy was sulking, wishing he had any gold to have stolen, period.

"I am so intelligent, and sneaky. I grabbed it right from under his nose," Asmit smirked.

"Aw, Lucky. I wish I was like that." Livius responded, sounding sad and having a light, shallow voice. Asmit's smirk grew wider, content with his misery.

"Eyy, Keifer, what's good?" Guardian greeted the Sin of Gluttony, her closest brother. who was now muching on a long table of food. Nobody noticed Angel at first, but Keifer was the first one to bring light to her.

Or rather, darkness.

"Look everyone, it's an abomination." Keifer joked, and Angel looked down ashamed. Guardian scowled at Keifer.

"Pathetic," Gifre spat.

"But she's so beautiful... how could she be an abomination?" Livius asked.

"Shut up, Livius. Don't feed into her." Gifre responded.

"I'm glad I'm not that creature." Asmit remarked.

Angel focused all her energy into ignoring them. It was hard, especially when Helmer came out, as he kept spitting him her face.

"Hello brothers, and... sister?" Eros, the Sin of Lust, has said upon entering the scene.

And man, was he looking like a fully-stocked buffet!

Oh, barf Angel.

What? It's true!

"Oh it's great to finally see you again!" He yelled. He ran up and hugged Guardian, spinning her around.

However, the so-called "abomination" caught his eye.

"My oh my, what do we have here?" He asked, his voice seductive as ever. He softly led Angel's chin to look up at him.

"I've never seen one of you in person before..." He said under his breath, as if she were a rare species of animal. She was as red as a tomato, and as soon as he could tell she was flustered, he smirked.

"Eros, quit it! She's a creature, you sick fuck!" Helmer exclaimed, but the seductive demon put his finger to Helmer's lips.

"Tell me, what do you call yourself, dear?" He asked.

"A dumb bitch who clearly should've thought this through better." She said. Eros chuckled, and so did the others.

"Gotta admit, she's funny," said Segenam, who was still laying down and watching it all unfold.

"I like you," Eros remarked.

"Guardian, would you mind if I kept this one?" He asked. She looked at him with a face that was a clear indicator of her answer.

"No! Ugh, God dammit, what is wrong with you fuckers? All of you! I love you, Hyde, but you're no exception!" Guardian exclaimed, making sure not to exclude Hyde, who was standing in a corner, waiting for his lady.

Hyde put his hand to his chest with an (overly exaggerated) offended expression

Eros materialized a small paper out of nowhere and marked down his seal. He then handed it to Angel.

"Call me." He whispered.

"You, angel slave!" Helmer called out, pointing at Angel.

"Y-yes, sir?" Angel said, sounding soft and weak.

How could I not?! I mean they're mostly assholes, but Guardian's brothers are H O T.

"Make your way to the slave quarters. Immediately." Helmer sneered. She just stood there, confused as to where she needed to be.

"Did I stutter?" He growled, and she ran off in a random direction, meeting Livius there. She started shaking even more, sinking in her boots, getting kore scared by the second.

"Don't be scared. I'm not like them... I actually envy you." He said. He wanted to put her in a state of ease.

"Hold on, envy me? You're joking, right?" Angel said. He looked at her with a blank face.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"You do not envy me, dude. You have any idea how long Guardian and I have been running from earthly authorities? It feels like years." She said.

"Yeah, but you're so beautiful, and so witty-"

"Look, you got the wrong person, buddy. Listen, don't look at what others have and stay miserable because you don't have it. I know it's hard, but I know you can do it, Livius." She said, holding one of his hands in hers.

"Livius!" Helmer bellowed, and the two jumped in fear.

"We can catch up later, okay, Livius?" She said before running away.

Livius just stood there, awestruck and almost utterly in love. He was surprised that she had so much faith in him. How does she do it?

I don't even know some days...

It's completely beyond me, that's for sure.



Angel created by Rosey_The_MegaBitch

Guardian co-created by Lorelei_Midnight

The 7 Sins and Hyde created by Lorelei_Midnight

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