Chapter 4: Episode 3

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"Fuck," The demon woman complained. She was holding her back and groaning.

"This is why you don't jump through a portal like that, dummy." Angel said.

"But it looked really cool," Guardian whined.

"Just because it looks cool, doesn't make it healthy!" Angel lectured.

And to think, she's older than me.

Shut up, Angel.

I had to carry her the rest of the way home.

Not completely. Give me more credit.

More credit than you deserve?

Fuck off.

That's right.


??? P.O.V.

It's about... I'd say... Eleven at night? It's late, that's for sure. The night is quiet, and the town is sleepy all throughout. Which is why this is a risky time to make a move. But it'll be so worth it when she's gone.

I have my McMillan tactical sniper set up, peeking through the bushes near Anna's bedroom window. On my other side lies my cartridge of 50 BMG bullets.

I'm this close to ending her. The anticipation is building up inside, and my trigger finger is getting super happy. But there's a small pinch of apprehension lurking in my thoughts. I'm not worried about her, she's earned this. But what if I get caught? What if I escape, barely alive? What if I die in the process? Yes I have my mind set in vengeance, but I don't have lizard brain when I do.

I shook those apprehensive thoughts away and let them slide to the back of my mind. I need to get this done. Only then will I be satisfied with where my life has lead me.

I need to end this. Right the fuck here. And right the fuck now.

My finger gripped the trigger, about ready to rip.




Angel's P.O.V.

Guardian made her way upstairs, and I followed her. I took the heavy bag of garbage from the kitchen garbage can, and left with the intent of throwing it away. I stopped to fix my shoe when I saw something glistening from the bushes near an apartment window, first story. It looked like it was gold plated, and moonlight glared off of it. It took me a split moment before gathering the gall to go over of check it out. I took my heels off and slowly snuck over.

The closer I got, I saw a crouched over body, seemingly feminine. And when I suck up behind the female figure, I saw that she had a tactical sniper with her, aiming at that sweet girl downstairs.

She helped us all the time. Guardian thought there was something fishy about her because of her somewhat kiss-ass behavior toward us, but I never really saw anything. What can I say? I like to go with the benefit of the doubt.

It took me a moment before I tackled her and we went rolling through the bushes

"Watch where you're going, bitch!" She whisper-yelled.

"You almost shot that girl!" I responded.

"And I was going to rid the world of the garbage that is Anna McCrow. Kill me if you'd like, but if you're gonna do that, take her out too!" She persisted. She tried to get out from under me, but ended up just squirming.

So that's her name...

"Well you wouldn't have gotten away with it! Me and Guardian would've still found you and kicked your ass!" I said

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