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Travis phone vibrates on the kitchen counter as she reaches for a glass for her drink. Rihanna hands are practically itching to see who was texting him, but she respected his privacy enough not to look.

But she wondered who it was. Maybe it was one of his friends or maybe it was her.

Reminiscing about that night she spent with him and just that though alone made her heart twist in pain. No matter how many times she tries to deny the truth it's a voice in the back of her head telling her everything that she doesn't want to hear.

Grabbing her cup she swiftly made her way to the the refrigerator grabbing the carton of orange juice. After getting her drink she makes her way into the living room sitting next to Travis. She places her glass on the coffee table before sitting back on the couch, Travis absentmindedly drapes his arm over her shoulder pulling her closer to him.

The couple watch different varieties of commercials before one catches Rihanna's attention. It's one with small babies crawling around in diapers. They are all smiling and joyful as the commerical continues, which causes Rihanna to aww at how cute they look.

The commerical ends and Rihanna is the first one to speak. "They are so cute I want them all."

Travis laugh's sending vibrations throughout his chest.

"I can't wait to have one," she sighs. "a beautiful baby girl." Rihanna says and Travis shifts almost as if he's uncomfortable with the topic.

Rihanna notices and her eyes shift to the shiny gold Cartier promise ring that adored her left hand. They have been dating for 3 years now and Rihanna started to feel like Travis wasn't ready to settle down and start a family with her.

"Not anytime soon though," Travis awkwardly laughs and weirdly patted her shoulder.


"I just think it's too early," He tells her, Rihanna shifts moving away from him so she can see his face clearly.

"Too early?"

"Yeah I'm always on tour and I just don't think it's a good time right now."

Which is true between him spending most of his time at the studio and on tours he feels like it's not enough hours in the day for him to juggle making music, tours and a baby.

"Then what's a good time then?"

"I would say a few years," He shrugs.

"Why so long?"

"I'm just not ready to be a father yet," Travis tells her getting defensive. "I'm done talking 'bout it." Travis gets up from the couch going into the kitchen, leaving Rihanna sitting there.


The next day, Travis and Rihanna are in his Rover, going to the the mall to get Travis mother a gift for her birthday.

Rihanna huffed and slouched in her seat trying to gain attention from him, she would be satisfied with a glance. Travis really hasn't acknowledged her since the slight disagreement they had last night.

Rihanna looks over at Travis he's biting his lip, smiling as he looks at his phone. When he gets done he sits his phone in the cup holder compartment, Rihanna reaches over to turn the volume up on the radio to listen to anything other than his vibrating phone the whole ride.

Travis seen her arm in his peripheral, thinking that she was going to grab his phone. He takes his eyes off the road for a split second grabbing his phone and almost crashing the car.

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