Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Germany and Russia emerged from the cabin, pushing their way through the deep snow. Germany had his wings extended, ready to take flight. Russia held Germany's hand firmly.
"So, we must find New Zealand and go back to UN to report?" Germany asked yet again. Russia sighed.
"Yes Ger,"
Germany looked away from Russia, focusing on the snow in front of him as he walked. Russia glanced down, a wave of sadness coming over him. He knew Germany must still be hurt over how Russia had to come back for New Zealand, not him. Russia squeezed Germany's hand, letting a warm ness flow through it. Germany smiled softly, squeezing back. Russia was about to say something, when a brilliant beam of light appeared in front of them, drowning the forest in a deep blue hue. Russia stood back, a mixture of shock and confusion on his face. Germany looked scared and confused . The scurried noises of distant animals retreating were drowned out by the noise the light was making. Germany glanced at Russia, hesitating. Russia nodded, gripping Germany's hand tighter. Germany blinked and slowly stepped forward into the beam. However, before Russia could continue, the light disappeared. Along with Germany. Russia stood there, stunned.
A wave of panic swept over Russia. He knew of UNs dislike for Germany. That portal was meant for only Germany. UN wanted them apart. Russia started to run, tripping over in the snow, but refusing to stay down. He had to find New Zealand and get them both back to heaven. Then they could sort out whatever was going on.


Australia stood his ground. The snake's white eyes penetrated him, a deep hiss emerging from deep within it. The snake perked it's head to one side, sniffing.
It can smell him.
It opened its mouth wide to reveal  massive fangs protruding from the roof of its mouth. It hissed again, slowly slithering towards Australia, who clutched the fire poker tight.
"The snakes back home weren't nearly as bad," Aussie muttered. The snake hesitated, pointing its snout towards him.
It can hear him.
Australia almost shit himself. The snake coiled back, ready to spring. Australia was on the defensive. The snake hissed a deep throaty hiss, and sprang forward. Aussie, forgetting everything he was thinking, screamed a high pitched scream and threw himself to the side. The snake sprang forwards with such a force that it smashed through the wall. Aussie took this opportunity to run into the study, searching frantically for bandages. The sound of the snakes massive body thrashing around caused him to panic.
"Fuck it," he muttered, spinning round and practically jumping through the doorway. He kept over the snake's tail, adrenaline pumping in his veins. He slid around the diner to the kitchen, grabbing his stuff. His eyes shot around, frantically searching for his brothers kiwi. A deep hiss brought his attention back to the snake, he was sniffing around for him. Aus reaches for his bag, slowly pulling out his knife. The snake sniffed the air, tongue sticking out. It hissed again and lunged towards Aussie. But this time Aussie was ready. He sidestepped out of the way, swinging his arm back to pierce the snake's throat. Convinced with Aussies own strength and the force at which the snake moved, the knife penetrated the snakes skin with ease. The snakes blind eyes widen with shock. Blood the shade of the bright green trees at home spurted out of the wound, spilling all over Aussies hands. He drew them back in shock and disgust, letting the snakes limp body drop to the ground. He stared down at the snake, it's eyes dark and cold. Even though it was blind, Aussie could tell that the eyes truly could not see. He wiped the blood on his shirt, muttering at how sticky it was, when Piwi came running out from under a chair. Aus stared at the kiwi, who sat on the snakes head, looking up at him. Aus could swear he had a cheeky little grin on his face.


The rock hurtled through the air, smashing against the cliff wall, inches away from America's head. Ame looked fearfully at his brother.
"Canada stop!" New Zealand yelled, standing back from the two countries.
Canada picked up another rock, throwing it against the ground.
"This is stupid!" He yelled, spinning on his heel and stomping off into the woods. New Zealand ran after him, leaving America to lean against the cliff, shocked expression lingering on his face.
Zea found Canada sitting on a rock overlooking a valley. Zea hesitantly approached him, scared that another rock would be thrown. However as he got closer, Zea réalisés that Canada was crying.
"The world is out to get me," he sobbed, face in his hands. Zea sat down next to him, not making a sound. Canada couldn't hear his approach, his wings made no sound. He didn't react however, when Zea put his arm around Canada.
"It's okay Canada," he whispered. Canada wiped his eyes, not looking at Zea.
"Whatever's going on, I'm sure it's going to be okay,"
"You wouldn't know," Canada sniffed.
"You weren't here when it all started,"
Zea stared out into the valley, not noticing the cold air nip at his face.
"I've still seen bad things Canada. The world wasn't perfect when I was alive,"
Canada leant against his little brother, a wave of calm flooding over him.
"Thank you," he murmured.
Zea gave a small smile, pulling Canada to his feet.
"Let's just stay strong and keep going," Zea said, walking away from Canada.
"We can't save the world if we stay here crying,"
Canada laughed. It was a small laugh, more of a giggled, but it was the first time he felt happiness in years. He took off after Zea, staying in close range. His brother may not be the same as when he was alive, but he still had a way with helping other. The arrived back at the rock wall, America still sitting there. His shock seemed to have left, in its place was a concerned and saddened look. Canada looked at his brother sheepishly.
"I'm sorry that I threw a rock at you,"
"I'm sorry that I didn't say anything helpful,"
Canada smiled and hugged his brother. Zea stood off to the side, smiling.
"Let's go,"
America followed after New Zealand's running to catch up. Canada stayed back for a second, staring at the body on the ground.
"I'm sorry Ukraine," he whispered, tears springing to his eyes.

"I couldn't save you,"

Life and death (Countryhumans AU)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum