Chapter 2

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Chapter two

I try my best to stay alive, but the voice from within beckons me to follow.

Australia sat up from the couch, drenched in a cold sweat. He leaned against the coffee table to steady himself, breathing deeply. He had another nightmare, even worse than others he had before. He stumbled into the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water from the tap. As he drank he glanced out the window to his yard. He could see the night dwellers lurking there, but he was safe behind the salt line. They couldn't get to him. He went to go sit down and calm his nerves when he heard a little squawk from a box in the corner. Australia approached the box and pulled the lid off, to reveal a little kiwi nestled inside.
"Hey Piwi," Australia whispered, fishing out a worm, giving it to the bird.
"You've survived a long time haven't you mate,". The bird looked at him as if it was listening and swallowed the worm whole. Australia grinned and tucked the lid back on. He needed to change his original thought. One thing that made him happy was here and that was the kiwi that he had volunteered to take care of after his brothers death. The kiwi got along well with his emu and wallabies, which was good seeing as they all lived inside now. He had to keep them safe. He started to trudge towards his bedroom, only stopping a few times to check on his animals. The sun was almost up so he would probably just lie down. He wasn't that tired anyway. He stopped in the doorway for a minute, to stare at the coat hanging in his wardrobe.


Australia couldn't remember opening the wardrobe that day. He couldn't even remember coming in here. Yet it was there, staring into his soul. Australia went over and grabbed that jacket, breathing in the smell that still lingered on it.


The smell reminded him of when they lived together, where he would fall asleep to that smell. But something was wrong. Denmark died years ago.

How was his smell still on here?

Australia let go of the jacket, letting it drop to the floor. Something was wrong, he could feel it. He spun around and ran out of the room. He had to check the salt line. Some demon had to messing with him. Aus tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. He slammed his hand into it.
"Let me out!" He yelled. He only heard a giggle. He sunk to his knees, a weak, sobbing mess.

When will it end?


Russia sat in his room, looking at a picture of him and Germany, blood boiling. He hated the rules here. Why couldn't he be with the one he loved? He threw the picture across the room, watching as it smashed into the mirror. He saw his face in the broken mirror shards, a broken man. Death does things to you. Your not normal anymore. He pulled a piece of the mirror and went to put it to his wrist, until he realised.
"You're already dead silly".
The high pitched girly voice rang out, causing Russia to jump. He hated that angle,Cupid, whatever it was. It always came in when Russia didn't need it. He wished he could see it, so he could beat the crap out of it. God it was annoying.
He pulled the picture of his lover off the floor and walked out of the room, leaving the giggling voice behind. He might have to ask UN for another room change. Maybe he would get closer to Germany. On his way to the office, he passed New Zealand, who was entering the pale blue doors into the forbidden room. Russia stopped and stared.
"What, I'm allowed in, remember". Russia nodded slowly and left the country behind. It was always a mystery to him why New Zealand was allowed in but not anyone else. Well, not that he knew many other angels here. He sighed and continued towards UN's office.
Why was being dead so hard?


"The corrupt countries are moving to the east" Finland replied wearily to the two countries queries. He felt like he knew them from somewhere, but his mind had been scrambled after the blast. How many siblings did he have? Two? Three? He couldn't remember anymore. The two countries in front of him thanked and him started or head in that direction. Finland half heartedly waved goodbye. They seemed nice. Maybe he knew them before. He sighed and started to walk back towards the person who called himself his brother's house. He could barely remember what he looked like. They had a similar flag designs but that's all he could remember. Finland thinks the flag might have been red as well.
"Oh well," he muttered to himself, pulling his hood up as it began to snow. He would get his memory back eventually.


Australia wearily opened his eyes as the sun stung them. The golden orb had reached its peak in the sky and was shining through the curtains on his face. Aus groaned and pulled himself to his feet, trying the door again. To his surprise, it swung open with ease. He left it open with a rock in front of it and returned to the bedroom. The coat was gone. Australia breathed a sigh of relief and sank to the floor.
He was okay.

He survived.

The country found himself on the long journey to the north. He didn't know why he decided to go, he just felt he had too. He had packed all his old winter clothes from when he used to live there and was dragging them behind him in a bag. Before he departed he made sure to drop by Oceania to make sure they were all okay. They were his responsibility now. He shivered as he felt the sting of the cold start to creep up on him. Australia had never really gotten used to it and he probably never will. He  grabbed the jacket he had brought out and the bag and pulled it around him. He noticed the stars beginning to creep out so he grabbed his salt and made a circle around him. The country then began to construct a fire to ward of potential evil in the night. He then lay down on the bag with a million jackets on and tried his best to get to sleep. It was a long night.


"Do you remember much from your life," Germany asked the small country next to him. New Zealand shook his head, a sad expression on his face.
"They took my memories when I came here," he replied. Germany nodded and took a sip of his tea.
"Can tell me what you can remember?" He asked, glancing down at Zea. Zea nodded and placed his tea down.
"I remember my dad. UK. He seemed really nice and I remember only good things about him. I don't know what happened to him, he disappeared quite a few years ago". Germany nodded, immersed in it all. The little country continued.
"I can remember my biological mum and siblings. They were all the best family I ever had. I'm pretty sure my mum died though, after my dad adopted me from her. I did have a brother, but I don't know where he went". New Zealand paused for a minute to take a sip of his milo.
"I remember my adopted brothers, but not much  I can remember what they looked like but not their names. I think one was red and white with a leaf in the middle. One had red and white stripes with a little blue box with a lot of stars in it. And the other looked at lot like me," Zea concluded. Germany nodded and placed his cup down.
"Do you think their names were Canada, America and Australia," he asked curiously. Zea nodded his head vigorously.
"Yes, I think so". Germany smiled and pulled out a picture book from thin air.
"Maybe this will help jog your memory". Zea grabbed the book from the Germans hands and started to flip through. While he did so, a question arose in him.
"What do you remember?"
Germany paused, grim look in his face.
"Everything, New Zealand".

"It was hell".

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