Chapter one

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Chapter one

Australia lay alone in his bed, staring at the calendar. Today was the memorial. He had to fight himself to get out of bed. He didn't want to go, but he had to.
But he was doing so well
A knock came from the door as he groggily sat up. He ignored it as usual, no one he cared about ever came to visit. This country was persistent however. They continued to knock at the door, even calling Australia's name a few times. Eventually the country on the other side gave up and left. Australia rested his head in his hands, breathing deeply. He wasn't gonna make it through the day. Even with that thought in his head he still managed to get up and get dressed. With one last glance at the picture on his desk, he finally left his house. He stood outside his door for a second, breathing in the crisp autumn air. Pulling his jacket closer around him he trudged through the streets towards the graveyard. He only stopped once to compose himself before entering, determined not to let any of the other countries see him like this. However he knew deep down that he wouldn't be able to fight back the tears if they came.


Canada and America continued their tramp through the woods up in the north. Ever since the gates of hell opened the seasons had been off. It had been winter for years now, with it showing now sign of stopping. Canada was used to the cold at this point, but Ame was still getting used to the severity of the chill. Canada had offered his coat to Ame many times to no avail. He was one stubborn country. He had been ever since their mum and dad went missing. I mean, he was always stubborn, but the disappearance made it worse. He felt that he had to be more independent now that his parents were gone. Canada found it weird that America still referred to them as "missing". Canada had come to the conclusion that they were dead a long time ago. But he didn't want to be the one to snuff out the last of his brothers hope. Even if they had drifted apart. You would think that the whole ordeal would have brought them closer. Canada wished that was what happened. Canada wished that a lot of things would happen. But he knew that in this world wishes can come true, but with a twist. A deadly or messed up twist. A twist worse than death. Canada had seen what happened to countries that had wished for things. He shuddered at the thought of it. They never came out of it alive. He glanced at his brother who was shivering next to him. Any colder and he would freeze. Canada sighed and removed his jacket, draping it over his brothers shoulders.
"No, you are going to wear it" he said sternly when he saw his brother open his mouth to protest. America grumbled and continued to walk, ignoring his brother smirk. Canada continued to follow, feeling accomplished now that he had gotten his brother to do something. Canada adjusted his bag and his back and quickly ran to catch up.


The depressing feeling was still lingering in the air, even after Australia had tried his best to comfort himself. The memorial for the few countries that had died had just begun and he found himself hyperventilating at the back of the crowd. He had to compose himself before going up. He cursed himself on agreeing to go up and speak in his brothers memory. He barely paid attention to the other speakers. He only noticed who went up. Ukraine went up to talk about her brother, Russia, China went up to talk about Japan and so on. Australia had to admit he did feel really sorry when Germany's turn came, as no one went up to talk for him. And awkward silence fell on the crowd when they realised that none of Germany's family or friends showed up. After they recovered from that, it was now Australia's turn. He stared at the stage with butterflies in his stomach. He had to force his legs to move, slowing making his way forward, everyone's eyes following him as he approached. He stood up on stage, shaking, trying to find his bearings. Finally after a few deep breaths, he began.

The ceremony ended with the same message it always ended on. That life could only get better from now on. Australia didn't believe that message. He had left just after his speech, avoiding eye contact. He only just heard the message being said he left the cemetery, tears already falling down his face. He began to run, and didn't stop until his house came into view. He slowed to a walk, threw his door open and collapsed on the couch. He grabbed the picture from the table and hugged it close to his chest. After he had calmed himself down he started at it. It was a picture of his two favourite people. He smiled at the look of New Zealand and Denmark's smiling faces. They were sitting next to a massive LEGO tower they had built. Australia lay his head back and thought back to that day. Probably the last day he ever was truly happy on...

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