Chapter three

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"Screw you, screw you and all your followers,".
"What followers brother, I only had you".

The voices crept into the dreams again. Australia moved uncomfortably on the ground. What was going on? Who was talking?

"I hope you die!"
"Bold words from someone who's about to die,"

Australia was restless. Why was the voice so familiar?

"Brother, please,"
"See you in hell,"


New Zealand stalked past the doors that lead to the forbidden room. He could go in, but he won't. Not now anyway. Not with that bomb UN dropped on the three of them. "Smokings bad for you ya know,". Russia laughed.
"I'm already dead, it won't do much," Germany rolled his eyes and pushed Russia over, through the cloud layer. He then jumped himself, pulling Zea through with him. They fell for a few minutes before Russia flew up next to them, smirking.
"Are you gonna fly or fall," Germany grinned and jumped into the Russians arms, leaving Zea behind.
"GUYS I CAN'T FLY!" he screamed as he continued to plummet downwards. Germany pulled himself away from Russia and quickly flew down to catch the country.


Australia had his things packed up by dawn. He was starting to regret deciding to do this, but he knew he had to get away from Oceania for a while. Too many memories. He pulled out his knife laced with holy water before continuing. The north had more dangerous creatures from hell. He knew that he needed protection. Australia reached out to grab his bag when he noticed it move a little. He jumped back, his grip tightening on the knife. What was in there? A fairy? A baby byronx? Just a normal animal? Australia breathed in and slowly reached out to open the bag. He flung the top open and jumped back again, heart racing. The small fluffy ball stared at him with wide eyes. Australia stared back, extremely confused.
"Why the fuck are you here piwi?" The little kiwi chirped happily and jumped out of the bag. Australia darted forward and swept the kiwi into his arms.
"It's dangerous out here mate," he murmured, glancing left and right. Something might have heard the birds tweets. The kiwi gave a concerned cheep before snuggling down. Australia was confused for a second, before coming to a realisation.
"Oh right, your nocturnal, that could be useful for night shifts," he said to himself. He shook his head and placed the bird back in the bag.
"Sleep tight, don't die or Zea would probably kill m-," Australia cut himself off, a wave of sadness crashing over him when he spoke his brothers name.

"I'm sorry Zea,"


"What kind of angel can't fly!" Russia exclaimed as the three of them landed in a clearing. New Zealand shrugged.
"No one ever showed me and I've never been out of heaven until now," Germany patting him on the back reassuringly.
"It's okay, you will learn eventually," Zea smiled again Germany. Russia rolled his eyes.
"Okay, UN said we had to go do some "jobs" and I have no idea what that has to do with our parents,"
Germany sighed.
"Russia, UN just told us that we had to defeat our parents and that she wanted us to work together. She didn't mean work together to kill our parents,"
"But why us?" New Zealand piped up. Russia and Germany just shrugged and began to walk down the trail.
"I honestly have no idea," Germany admitted. Russia glanced at the piece of paper he was holding.
"So it looks like we have to get some information. Huh, I never knew that we would be doing ASS work," Zea stifled a laugh.
"Ass?" He giggled.
"Angel sniper squad, they are the angels that can leave heaven and do work," Germany replied irritated.
"What about guardian angels?" Zea asked.
"They don't do work, they watch over young innocents and rarely return to heaven, that's why you don't see them that often,"
"You would have to be very pure while you were living to become one," Russia added.
"I was offered to be one," New Zealand whispered, but it went unnoticed by Germany and Russia.
"So I'll go in with my gun and get the information while you two wait outside," Russia explained as they neared the location stated on the note. Germany shook his head.
"No Russia we have to do it together,"
Russia snorted out his nose.
"You worry too much Germany,"
Germany started to get flustered.
"Russia," he started, but he was cut off.
"Shush ger," Russia smiled as he slowed to a stop.
"We're here,"

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