Chapter five

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Chapter five

The howling wind caused the windows to rattle and shake. Germany sat in the room, feathers ruffled. The sound of the glass cracking gave him no comfort. He shivered and moved away from the windows. He wished he was back in his room in heaven, but the small shack that he had found would have to do until the storm died down. It might be a while, snow is much more common now. It's like reverse global warming. Russia entered the room, holding a small blanket in his arms. He handed it to Germany, who accepted it gratefully. Russia sat on the ground next to Germany, sliding in closer to him. Germany lent against Russia, hugging him. Russia gave a quiet chuckle.
"I see you aren't used to the cold,"
"Shut up,"
Russia smiled and planted a small kiss on Germany's cheek.
"Why can't we just open a direct portal to heaven?" Germany whined, glancing ar the windows fearfully.
"Uh, because, UN will kill me because we lost New Zealand,"
Germany gave Russia a suspicious glance.
"Why? She wouldn't care if you lost me,"
Russia looked away from Germany, going silent. Germany tugged at his sleeve.
"Because she told me that I had to watch him. Something about, if he saw his brothers or something,"
"Is that why she sent you back. To get New Zealand,"
Russia grasped Germany's hands.
"Of course not, I came back to find you. New Zealand just happened to be a part of the reason,"
Germany sighed and laid against Russia, staring at the roof.
"It's sucks that we can't get tired anymore,"
"New Zealand's probably scared. Even though he can't die, the snow storm is still pretty scary,"
"He will be fine, we will look for him in the morning,"
Germany continued to stare at the roof, his hand linked with Russia's. He smiled, gently rubbed Russia's hand and closed his eyes, trying to drown out the sound of the wind. It was going to be a long night.


"How did you get those burns?" New Zealand asked, sipping on the hot chocolate they had found in the tavern.
"We came across a chimera," America replied.
"I blame Greece," Canada chuckled, which caused America to smile. Zeas face lit up.
"Hey I know Greece,"
"You do?"
Zea nodded excitedly.
"Yeah I've seen her around heaven. She says it's all of her mythological creatures at are destroying the earth now. Well all the ones from the underworld at least,"
Canada looked at America.
"Greece. Oh course why didn't I think of it,"
New Zealand looked confused.
"Of what?"
"She might be the answer to all of our problems. Well, at least the Greek mythology part of it," America replied.
Canada stood up abruptly, spilling his cup over.
"We have to find her, Zea, can you take us to heaven,"
"I, uh, can't take living people to heaven,"
Canada slumped back down in his seat, pouting. Ame looked deep in thought. Zea continued to drink, muttering about how he's had better.
"Aha," Ame exclaimed.
"What," Canada looked hopefully at his brother.
"If we can't go to Greece, we will just have to bring Greece to us,"
"How are you gonna do that," Zea muttered, rolling his eyes.
"Well your gonna help us, aren't you,"
Zea looked at both of them, an unsure look on his face.
"I don't know, I don't really want to get involved with this,"
"Please Zea," Canada begged.
"You could help us save the world,"
Zea stared at the floor.
"I um,"
Ame gave him a sad smile.


Australia hugged piwi close to his chest. He had grudgingly his in the bathroom, despite all the broken glass everywhere.
"This storm is crazy," he muttered, checking the window again to make sure it was shut. Piwi squawked, obviously distressed. Aus patted the kiwi gently, not knowing any other way to calm it down. But piwi still wouldn't calm down, and he started to jump around. He eventually escaped Aussies grasp and ran from the room.
"Oi!" Aussie yelled, getting up from the floor, cutting himself on the way.
"Shit," he quietly swore to himself, following the kiwi down the stairs. However the moment he made it to the bottom, there was a loud crash from upstairs. Aus stood still frozen at the bottom of the stairs, not knowing what to do. The sound of heavy breathing was coming towards him. He started to shake, as the head of head of what looked like a serpent appeared at the top of the stairs. Aus started to slowly walk backwards. The serpent hissed, glancing around the room. It seems to have been blinded. As long as aus didn't make sound, he should be okay. He crept around the corner to the kitchen, using the wailing of the storm to cover up any sound he made. The serpent seemed more interested in heading down the hallway to the study than to follow Australia. Aus breathed a sigh of relief when he arrived in the kitchen. As he calmed down, he noticed the blood trail that he had left behind. Swearing silently, he looked over himself to find the wound. He eventually found it on his right thigh. It was quite a deep cut, but not too serious. Nothing bandages wouldn't fix. He knew he had to get it cleaned up soon, because he knew for sure that whatever that massive snake was, it could smell his blood. He was suddenly filled with dread when he realised where the bandages were.

The study.

Where that thing was.

Australia walked into the living room, grabbing the fire poker as he passed through. He would need anything he could, and seeing as his bag was upstairs, the poker would have to do. He silently crept down the hallway, the snake waiting for him at the end. It hadn't noticed him yet. Australia breathed in one last time.

"Please don't die," he muttered to himself.

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