Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

When Aussie awoke the sun still wasn't there. The north seemed to be permanently drenched in darkness. No light shone here. Aussie yawned and pushed the blankets off him. He felt like he was finally home. Even if the house was baron and dry. He reached out to grab the kiwi, but it was gone. Aussie jumped off the bed and checked everywhere. Under the bed. In the cupboards. The drawers. Behind the curtains. The kiwi was nowhere to be found. Aussie sighed and walked downstairs. If Zea was still alive, Australia knew that he would be dead for losing the kiwi. He slunk into the kitchen and threw the disgusting food away. His stomach rumbled. He didn't realise how hungry he had gotten. He checked his bag. Most of the food was gone. He stepped over towards the window and gazed out at the mansion that belonged to the other nordics.
"I know they don't really like me, but maybe they could spare me some food?" Aus muttered to himself. He grabbed the bag, did one last sweep of the house and set off, heart even heavier than before.


Zea looked up at America, more memories flooding back to him. America's facial expression was a mix of hurt, shock, sadness and pain. Canada stood behind Ame, facial expression the same.
"New Zealand?" He whispered. Zea used this opportunity to throw America off him. America, shocked at his brother's strength, allowed himself to be thrown back. He landed in Canada's arms, and was dropped immediately.
"Zea is that you!?" Canada yelled.
Zea froze. He was right by the trees but his brothers voice stopped him.
"Zea," he repeated to himself. He knew these two were his siblings. He just can't remember them.
"Zea," Canada's voice came from close behind him. Zea slowly turned around.
"I'm sorry," he mumbled, tears falling down his face.

"I can't remember you,"


Fiji stood at the door to the meeting room. The sky was dark, the clouds rumbling in the distance and the meeting room occasionally shook. Fiji turned to look at the few countries they had left.
"Australia has left,"
Tuvalu looked sideways. Tonga's face turned into a frown. Samoa's expression remained the same. A large grin. Fiji smiled.
"Now it's time for us small ones," he gestured to the group of them.
"To rise," Samoa finished, her eyes gleaming. Behind them, in the corner of the room, cook stared at the two countries discussion. Tokelau had already left. He sighed.
"I miss you dad, if only you knew what they were doing," he said to himself.
"Kia Ora cook," a small voice called out.
Cook glanced down, to see a very small person standing there. Their flag was red, yellow, blue and green stripes, and they had a little half sun with an island beneath it. They had a jacket on and cook recognised the New Zealand flag that was sewn onto the side.
"Kia orana," cook began, looking at the country with curiosity.
"I'm Stewart, Stewart island,"
He reached out his hand. Cook shook it, a little confused.
"You may know me as the third largest island in New Zealand,"
Cooks eyes widened.
"Cousin Stewie!?"
Stewart shook his head and shushed him.
"People can't know I'm here be quiet," he hissed.
Cook nodded and lead Stewart outside.
"Why are you here?" He asked when they arrived, but much to his surprise, Stewart was gone.
"Where did that dick go," he muttered to himself.
"Cook, come here,"
Fiji's voice startled Cook. He looked at his uncle, he had a stern look on his face.
"I need your assistance,"
Cook gulped.

This didn't look like it was going to be fun.


Aussie stood behind the wall outside of Sweden's house, watching as Finland wandered around the front yard. Norway was there, trying to talk to him, but was failing.
"Brother this is Sweden's house. You used to love it here,"
Finland ignored him. Norway threw his hands up in dismay and felt like crying.
"When when you get your memory back," he sniffed, turning around and leaving Finland in the yard. Finland wandered over to the gate and left through it, causing Norway to almost run after him. Australia cringed. The nordics had certainly lost it. He watched as Norway knocked on the door.
"Sweden please let me in I don't have enough food to take care of both me and Finland," he begged. "Your house is warm and you have food, please brother,"
Sweden's deep, calm voice echoed from inside the house.
"No Norway, go home,"
Norway walked off defeated, calling out Finland's name half heartedly. 
Aussie decided to leave. He had seen everything. He knew that Sweden would not let him in, he knew Norway didn't have food and Finland seemed to have gone crazy. And Iceland wasn't anywhere to be found. He turned and started to walk down to Denmark's house, trying to hide the fact that he was about to cry.
"I might as well just try and get home," he muttered as he climbed onto the veranda and opened the door. Or at least tried to. The door wouldn't move. Aussie just presumed that he had shut it to hard when he left earlier but after a few tugs, he realised that it was locked. From the inside. Aussie tentatively knocked on the door to see if anyone was there. To his surprise, it opened. 


Zea sat beside his brothers, explaining to them everything about angels. Canada listened intently, while America processed everything slowly. Zea finished by showing them his angels wings, which caused them both to gasp.
"So wait, quickly recap," America said as his brother put his wings away.
Zea sighed.
"After I died, I woke up in a white room. A country walked out and pressed some buttons and then asked me to follow them. I was s then given wings, out in a room and I've been wandering around heaven ever since."
America nodded slowly.
"How did you die?"
Zea looked taken aback.
"I don't remember, they take away all our bad memories when we arrive,"
Canada glanced around the trees.
"I'm so sorry that you saw what the world has become," he whispered.
Zea patted his brother on the shoulder.
"I think I'm starting to remember you guys though," Zea said absentmindedly to himself, his eyes falling on America's wounds.
"Oh your hurt,"
America shifted uncomfortably.
"Yeah, so?"
"I can help you,"
Zeas hand began to glow a bright white and he reached out to touch Ames wound. Ame was startled at first, but then allowed his brother to continued. Zea pressed his hand again the burn marks and Ame felt a sharp pain followed by a nice cool feeling the drifted all over his body. Ame felt relaxed, his muscles unstiffened. After a few minutes, all the wounds were gone. Canada held out his arm.
"Can you heal me?" He asked eagerly.
Zea nodded and did the same to Canada. He sat in silence while the two looked at their now scarless bodies.
"Hey guys," he said quietly.
"Yea," they both replied in unison.
"Did we have a kind of abusive dad?"
America went stiff again, refusing to talk. Zea glanced up at him, sadness in his eyes. Canada slowly nodded and leaned against his brother for support.
"We don't talk about it though," he muttered.
"What if I saw him, do you think I could get my memories back,"?
Zea looked at his brothers expectantly. Ame sighed.
"Zea, you can't do that,"
Zea raised on eyebrow.
Canada finished the sentence.
"Zea you can't do that because,"
He hesitated, thinking of how to word it.

"Dads been missing for almost ten years now,"


"Greenland, what are you doing here?" Aussie asked. Greenland fiddled with her eyepatch.
"Hi Aussie," she said, trying her best to smile. "What are you doing here?"
"I asked first,"
"I asked second,"
Aussie sighed.
"I wanted to get away for a little bit,"
Greenland nodded.
"Me too," she sighed. She motioned for Aussie to come inside. Aussie stepped through the door and walked into the kitchen. Greenland paused at the doorway.
"I think someone else has been here to cause I found this," she pulled out piwi from inside her jacket. Aussie blushed red slightly.
"That's mine, well it's actually my brothers, but he's," Aussie cut himself off.
"He's gone," Greenland finished, handing the kiwi over.
"So you figured that getting away from it all was coming to your dads house?" Aussie asked, placing the kiwi on the counter.
"Yea," Greenland replied, handing Aussie some food.
"Thank you," he accepted the food gratefully.
Greenland smiled.
"Do you miss him?"
Aus paused. Green stood awkwardly to the side. Aus nodded his head sadly. Green gave him a sad smile.
"I do too," she said softly. She placed a picture of her and Denmark playing with legos in the counter. Australia stared at it from across the room. He sighed and placed piwi in his bag.
"It was nice to see you again green, but I have to go,"
Green nodded and followed him to the door.
"When you get back, can you tell Antarctica that I miss her,"
Aus nodded.
"Of course i will,"
Green smiled and waved goodbye. Aus waved back, finally an actual smile was on his face.

Maybe this trip wasn't all a loss.

Apologies. This chapter was a bit shorter than usual, but don't worry I'll try and make the next one longer. When I first started this story I had many different scenarios in my head and I'm still working on a timeline for it so that is the main reason I haven't been updating this story as much. Don't worry, I'll start to update more regularly soon.

Bye children ✌️

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