Part 27

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You pulled up to Tony's home. Tony was carrying his daughter Morgan into the house when he spotted you coming down the driveway. You stepped out of the car and Morgan's face immediately lit up at the sight of you. You had spent many of your off hours hanging out here, sometimes without Steve. You and Morgan got along well. She struggled out of her father's arms and ran to you. You knelt to her level to embrace her as she ran to you.

"Aunt y/n!" she cried.

"Morgan!" You returned as she ran into your arms. "I've missed you!"

"Did you come to play?" she asked eagerly.

You looked at her sadly. "No. I'm sorry sweetheart. But why don't you go play inside? Your Uncle Steve and I have to talk to your dad about some boring adult stuff," you said.

"Okay," she said quietly and ran inside as you instructed.

Tony still watched you with a puzzled look on his face. When he asked what you were doing here, Scott began to explain what had happened to him and his idea to bring everyone back. Tony seemed intrigued, but soon he started spouting off everything that could go wrong. You could see that the scientist in him wanted to figure this out, but the father in him would never risk it.

"Tony," you started, "I know that you can't lose what you have here, but there are plenty of people who could have this but can't. We could help them," you pleaded.

"What about you? You could have this now. Why don't you?" Tony asked, looking between you and Steve.

You stopped. You had always known you wanted a family, but after everything that had happened, you couldn't do it. You thought that maybe after some time had passed you would be able to move on, but even after five years your feelings hadn't changed. You looked up at Steve, who had been nothing but supportive of you and your decision not to start a family yet. His expression was almost the same as yours, caught off guard, his mind obviously searching for an answer.

You tried to speak, but whatever words you could manage to form got caught in your throat.

"Not now," you started. "Not yet."

Tony looked at you with compassion in his eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean-"

"It's fine," you cut him off. You didn't want to hear him apologizing for simply asking you a question.

You heard the patter of little feet come running up behind you. Morgan jump into Tony's lap and melted into his person.

"Mommy told me to come and save you," she said.

"I'm saved," Tony replied with a smile. He then stood up from his seat and started walking toward the house. He invited you all to stay for lunch as long as you didn't try to convince him to help you all, but you had to decline. You had to find somebody that would help you. The only person who even came close to Tony's intelligence was Bruce Banner, and hopefully, he wouldn't be so hard to convince.

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