Part 9

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You barely managed to escape from HYDRA. You regretted leaving Bucky behind again, but you knew you wouldn't be able to get him out of there yourself. You made it outside the building and blindly ran to the rondevous point that Hill had told you to meet her at. You made it there before everyone else, so you sat in the chair next to Nick Fury's hospital bed and fell asleep.

You were woken up by voices coming from the hallway. The plastic curtain was pulled back to reveal Steve, Natasha, Sam and Hill.

"It's about time." Nick said.

Everyone stared at him in shock. Steve looked over at you.

"Y/n! Where were you? I was worried something happened to you." Steve said and came over to you.

"I'm fine." you replied.

"Are you sure?" he asked, obviously hinting at Bucky still being alive.

"Can we talk, in private?" you requested.

"Sure." he said and lead you outside the makeshift room. The two of you sat at a table. You took a deep, shakey breath before starting.

"I've known." you began. Steve looked at you confused. "I've known this whole time that Bucky was alive and that HYDRA still exists."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Steve asked.

"I couldn't. The story that I told you of how I ended up in the 21st century wasn't entirely true." you started. "I did go to the Alps, I did pass out, and I was taken hostage. But the people who took me hostage were HYDRA. They dragged me into a room and left a couple trays of the exact same food. I looked around to see if there was anyone else, and sure enough, there was. He was slumped in the back corner, covered in blood and missing his left arm. I found out that it was Bucky, still alive. We talked for a few hours, but then some people came in the room with Dr. Zola and they brainwashed him." The words threatened to choke you as you spoke. "They dragged me into another room, stuck a needle in my arm and froze me. But before they did, one of the agents told me that if I escaped, and I told anyone that HYDRA still exists, they would kill me and whoever I told. Apparently they never needed me, cause when they left, they took everything except me." you explained and let out another shakey breath. "I wake up here to find out that my brother is being used as HYDRA's weapon and I've worked at SHIELD wondering who I could and couldn't trust." You looked up at Steve who was listening intently. "When we found you, the first thing that I thought was that now I might have a chance at putting my family back together. Then I remembered what they told me. I couldn't risk putting you in that kind of danger." you finished.

"Y/n, I didn't realize how much you were going through." Steve said.

"I've learned over the years to hide my emotions." you said and wiped away a small tear that had escaped.

Steve stood from his seat and came over to yours as you stood also. You wrapped your arms around his neck as his went around your waist. You used this moment to let your feelings go. You cried into Steve's shoulder as he comforted you. It felt so amazing to have such a burden lifted from your shoulders. Now you knew that everything was going to be okay.

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