Part 4

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Something didn't feel right about today. Steve and Bucky along with the rest of the Howling Commandos have been taking down HYDRA bases. They wiped the map clean, but they knew there was one more that they didn't know about.

You walked through hallways, delivering files to where they needed to go. You turned a corner and saw Peggy at the end, waiting for you.

"Hey, Peg! What's up?" you said.

"Y/n, Captain Rogers needs to speak with you." she said rather solemnly.

You followed her directions to the bar that Steve was waiting at. He sat in the midst of the wreckage at a table. His jacket was unbuttoned and his eyes were red.

"Steve?" you said quietly. "What's wrong?"

"Sit down." he said and took a deep, shakey breath. Just from looking at him, you knew what was coming. "Y/n. Bucky's gone." he said without looking at you. The blood drained from your face. "He fell off the side of the train and off the cliff." he continued. "Y/n, I'm so sorry. It's all my fault." He buried his face in his hands.

"Steve, tell me what happened." you said. Tears began to blur your vision as Steve started explaining what happened.

"I was so close to reaching him, and then the rail broke off the side and he fell." he finished.

"Steve," you said shakily. "It's not your fault. None of it is."

"But I could've saved him."

"If it was the other way around, and Bucky was blaming himself for your death, what would you tell him?" you asked.

"I would tell him not to blame himself and to move on." he replied.

"And Bucky would say the exact same thing to you." you told him. "Just, listen to him." You got up from your seat and went to your hotel room for the rest of the day.

The war had ended. Steve sacrificed his life for the world and died a hero. But even though the war was over, you continued to work for the S.S.R. hoping that it would keep your mind off of your brother and Steve. But it never worked. You would come home every day expecting Bucky to be there to greet you.

You worked at the base in New York City under Cheif Dooley until he died. When Agent Sousa announced that he was opening a branch out west in California, he asked if you wanted to go with him. You decided to follow. You thought that leaving New York might help, but even that didn't work.

After a year, you decided that you had had enough of this. You took two weeks off of work and packed your bags for the Alps. You knew Stark had already tried to find Steve, so your best chance at finding one of them would probably be Bucky.

You spent almost the entirety of your two weeks in the valleys of the Alps. You had eaten most of your food supply. All that you had left was some meat strips, a couple of crackers and some water, which was frozen solid.

You sat huddled over a small fire that you had managed to create. Suddenly things started to get fuzzy. You weren't sure if it was another snowstorm or just you. But in a couple seconds, you knew. The rocks around you began to bend and twist in very unnatural ways. You collapsed to the ground and fell into darkness.

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