Part 23

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You had found out where he was. Thanos. You could finally make things right after almost a month. It turned out that having his estranged daughter on your side was helpful. Also, somehow, so was a talking raccoon. The team suited up and boarded the Rocket and Nebula's ship. You were extremely nervous, this being your first time in space. You buckled yourself into the seat and let out a nervous breath.

"Alright," Rocket started, "who here hasn't been to space?"

You looked at your husband who was sitting next to you. Both of you raised your hands, slightly confused, then looked at Rocket, waiting for him to comment.

"You'd better not throw up on my ship," he warned.

You smiled a little, then let out yet another nervous breath as the engines started.

"Hey," Steve said. You looked over at him. "You okay?" he asked.

You looked down at your hands and realized that you were clutching the arm rests of your seat. "Oh! Yea! I am. I guess I'm just a little nervous."

Steve smiled and held out his hand for you to take. You smiled as well and gladly took his hand. You looked up and realized that the ship had already left earth's atmosphere.

"Making the jump in 3," Nebula counted, "2,1."

You were thrown back into your seat. You clutched Steve's hand as you watched stars and planets fly past you. It was beautiful, breathtaking, and yet terrifying at the same time. You were traveling light years away from the only planet you've ever known and there was a possibility that you might not come back. And yet there was excitement coursing through you. Excitement of seeing the universe, seeing places that you never thought existed, and the chance that you might be able to right Thanos's wrong. No matter what you were about to face, you knew that you were ready to fight until your last breath to save everyone you had lost.

The ship quickly slowed to a stop as you approached the planet that Thanos was living on. Carol went down to do some recon and see exactly what was waiting for you all down there. You stood by the window. You couldn't help but stare at the planet below as you sunk deep into thought. Your surroundings began to fade as you thought of how this might go down. All of them were pretty terrifying. You really did not want to face Thanos again because of how horribly it ended last time.

"Hey," Steve started. He carefully slipped his hand down your forearm and took a hold of your hand. "You okay?" he asked.

"I'm just-" you started. You didn't really know what you felt, but you definitely were not okay. You bit your lower lip while trying to come up with an answer for your husband. You suddenly found yourself being completely honest. The tears welled up in your eyes as you realized what you were feeling. "I'm terrified," you breathed out as you looked up at Steve.

Worry and compassion immediately crossed his face. He carefully put both of his arms around you. "Me too," he admitted.

You began sobbing as you dug your face into him. All of the sadness, guilt and even anger that had been building inside of you since the snap was finally being released. Soon your crying stopped and you released yourself from Steve.

"Feel better?" he asked, concern still prevalent on his face.

"I think so," you responded.

"Good. Now let's go fix this."

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