Part 8

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The Winter Soldier had made an appearance. You pressed yourself against a wall just around the corner from where Steve and the Winter Soldier were fighting so that you wouldn't be seen. You watched as they beat on each other over and over again. It hurt you to watch. HYDRA sent Bucky out to kill his own family and friends and he doesn't even know it. And neither did Steve. You continued to watch, hoping that they wouldn't end up killing one another. You saw Steve grab Bucky by his mask and flip him over. Bucky's mask fell off and Bucky rolled onto his feet. He turned to Steve, ready to kill. Steve stood there shocked.

"Bucky?" Steve asked.

"Who the hell is Bucky?" your brother asked in return before pulling out another gun.

Sam came swooping in and knocked Bucky to the ground. He pushed himself back up to his feet and stood still for a minute, then tried to shoot Steve again. Natasha used one of Bucky's weapons against him and shot a grenade at him. The pick up truck next to him exploded and he took off running. You did the same and followed him as closely as you could without letting him know you were there. He ran down a back alley and shoved a door open. You quickly slipped through, but several HYDRA agents were waiting on the other side. They all grabbed you. Bucky stopped wondering what the commotion behind him was. He saw you in the midst of the agents, then turned back around and continued running down the hallway.

The HYDRA agents dragged you into a room. The blood drained from your face when you saw chair that they had used to brainwash your brother, but you were relieved when they sat you in a normal chair. They tied your arms down to the sides.

The door to the room opened and several doctors and technicians came inside. Bucky came in last with another doctor.

"What happened?" asked the doctor.

"Some kind of magnet." Bucky replied, referring to his metal arm.

"We'll get to work on it right away." the doctor replied and joined the others.

Bucky took off his shirt. You saw him glance over at you. Then his head shot up and he scanned the guards for instructions.

"Guys, I don't think I could do that right now-" he started.

"That's not why she's here." someone cut him off as he stepped inside the room. Agent Rumlow. A traitor.

"Then why is she?" Bucky asked him.

"It's none of your concern." Rumlow replied. Bucky glared at him, but not enough to get him into trouble.

Your brother sat in the chair with the contraption around it. He studied you as the technician began working on his arm.

"Who are you?" he asked.

You opened your mouth to answer. "She is forbidden to speak." one of the guards informed Bucky.

"It's alright." Rumlow cut in then came over to you. "Just not too much information, okay?" he commanded you. You nodded your head.

You turned your attention to Bucky. "I'm y/n Barnes. I work for SHIELD." you said.

He looked at you with even more confusion in his eyes. Then he seemed to just shake it off and kept to himself. You watched him. He seemed okay. How was HYDRA treating him? He still didn't know who he was, but it didn't seem like they've hurt him that much.

He head suddenly flipped to the side. His breathing became heavy. He threw the man who was working on his arm to the side. All of the agents around you lifted their guns to him. He stopped, his eyes locked with yours.

The door opened again and inside came Alexander Pierce. Another traitor. He folded his glasses and placed them in his jacket pocket.

"Mission report." he commanded.

Bucky sat motionless, still staring at you.

"Mission report, now." Pierce repeated.

Bucky still didn't move. Pierce crouched down to Bucky's level. Suddenly, the back of his hand met your brother's face.

"The man on the bridge," Bucky started. "Who was he?" he asked. You could see your brother start to break the surface of the Winter Soldier.

"You met him earlier this week on another assignment." Pierce replied.

"I knew him." he said. Your heart jumped for joy. He was starting to remember! He looked back at you. "Y/n?" he asked.

You smiled as tears began to blur your vision. Pierce turned around and looked at you.

"Prep him." he commanded.

"He's been out of cryo freeze for too long." a doctor told him.

"Then wipe him, and start over." he said and turned to leave the room.

"No!" you screamed. "You can't do this!"

They pushed Bucky against the back of his chair and gave him a rubber mouth guard. It was like a bad dream that you couldn't wake up from. Your worst nightmare was coming true. The machine started, and you watched as your brother slipped through your fingers once again.

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