Part 21

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Thanos. Even his name was horrible. You knew this Thanos was bad news. But you had no idea how bad it really was. All you could really do was do your best to protect the only stone you and the other Avengers knew of and right now, it was inside one of your friends. Shuri had tried to work as fast as she could, but she couldn't get the stone out in time.

You sprinted through the trees and brush trying to find where Steve and Vision were. You heard voices and immediately turned in that direction. You found the spear of the alien that had attacked you in Scotland. Only a few yards away, Steve was on the ground about to die at the hands of one of the children of Thanos. You picked up the spear that was laying at your feet and snuck up on the alien. You ran the spear through him and dropped him to the side. You helped Steve up and went to find Vision to get him off the field. As you moved, the woods around you seemed to fall silent. All you heard was a chill rustling the leaves of the trees.

"Everyone on my position, we've got incoming," Steve warned.

You turned to see a portal opening amidst the trees. A tall figure appeared and stepped through into your world.

"Cap. That's him," Bruce confirmed.

Steve paused, looking over Thanos. "Eyes up. Stay sharp," he instructed.

The Avengers then began to attack, but Thanos quickly subdued each one. Your brother ran ahead of you, unloading his ammo on the titan. Thanos simply pushed him to the side. You ran straight at him, adrenaline coursing through your veins. You drew a vibranium sword and went to slice him, but you were also thrown to the side. You hit a tree and crashed to the ground. You stayed still for a moment, breathing through the pain that was seething in your body. Soon enough, it was gone and you were able to move again. You looked around you. Bucky stood to his feet. He came over to you and helped you up as well. You looked over to see Thor's ax in Thanos's chest. Thanos lifted his hand, and snapped his fingers. The blood drained from your face. You looked up at Bucky then back where Thanos was. But he was gone.

"Thor," Steve started, "where'd he go?"

"Steve!" Bucky called.

You looked over at your brother. His left arm seemed to be decaying rapidly.

"Bucky?" You cried.

The decay soon overtook his whole body as he fell to the ground and slipped through your fingers.

"Bucky?" You repeated. "No. No, no, no," you cried as you fell to the ground trying to find anything, any way to bring him back, but there was nothing. Just ashes. Your breathing quickly became heavy as you realized that you had just lost Bucky again, and this time, you might not get him back.

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