The Surprise

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Setting his pencil down Midoriya stretched his arms above his head and leaned back in hopes of cracking his sore, abused joints. He just finished the essay for History of Heroics and that meant all that was left was an art project, but it wasn't due for another week and he was over half way done anyway.

Looking at the clock on his desk it flashed back 6:02. He finished quicker than he thought he would and the thought of visiting Kacchan crossed he mind. They had been dating, quite successfully, for the past couple months so it wasn't uncommon to find the greenette hanging out in the blonde's room. 

Looking outside he noticed that it had started snowing and there was already a nice layer covering the ground. Orange reflected off the white flakes as the sun slowly set, signalling if he wanted to spend time with Kacchan before having to sleep for school the next day then he had better leave quickly. 

Grabbing some sweatpants and and a dark, green sweater Midoriya proceeded to change out of his uniform when suddenly he heard his phone vibrate. 

'A message?' he thought to himself as he pulled the sweater over his head. Picking up the phone he noticed it was from Kacchan!

K: Hey. You done yet?

M: Yeah, just finished. I was hoping I could come over?

K: That's fine. I have something for you anyway. Hurry up.

Had something for him? An early Christmas present maybe? He hadn't gotten anything for Katsuki yet so this worried him a little. Locking his door Midoriya stashed his keycard in his pocket and started heading towards the stairwell. Halfway down the hall he saw the elevator door open and a certain black bird teenager exited the lift. He looked up from his phone to make eye contact with the greenette and was met with a wave. 

"Hi Tokoyami! Are you done training for the day?" Midoriya asked cheerfully. He knew how hard Tokoyami and Dark Shadow were working to build a better bond so that he could make Dark Shadow stronger without risk of losing control. The progress they were making was astounding and left no doubt in Midoriya's mind that Tokoyami was going to be a force to be reckoned with when he went pro.

 "Good Evening Midoriya. Off to see Bakugo I take it?" he asked as he reached in his pocket for his key card.

Blushing Midoriya nodded. It hadn't taken long for everyone to find out about them. Ashido had caught them in the stairwell with Kacchan's tongue down Midoriya's throat and boom, next day everyone knew. 

 "Yeah, he says he has something for me, and I'm hoping it isn't a christmas present because I haven't gotten him anything yet." he voiced as he rubbed the back of his neck, anxiety building mildly. 

"Hmm," Tokoyami thought as he scratched his chin, "I may be able to help with that. Come inside and I'll show you."

Following his friend into the dark room, he had rigged his main light switch to turn on only a small lamp, Midoriya looked around. He always thought Tokoyami had a cool room and loved looking at the collectibles. He had even convinced Tokoyami to let him hold the sword once. 

"Here." Tokoyami set a medium box in front of Midoriya and opened it to reveal a mish mosh of different items. 

"When I was working with my internship we helped out a clothing store for college kids and this was some stuff they threw together for me as thanks. I don't have any use for it though so I was going to donate it, but if there is something you think he'd like you can use it as an emergency gift until you get him something better."

Midoriya beamed, "Really?! You're the best. Thank you!" 

Blushing slightly Tokoyami waved him off, "It's not a big deal. Just let me know when you're done. I'm going to the restroom." Once Tokoyami left Midoriya dived into the box. He didn't want to keep Bakugo waiting. 

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