The Halloween Party

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Excitement filled Midoriya as be fastened the ribbon Bakugo had picked out for his costume. He had went with just a plain black sweater and khaki corduroy jeans for under the costume. The cloth fell to his knees so you couldn't see much of his outfit anyway.

Grabbing his phone and keycard Midoriya left his room to join his friends in the common area. Most everyone was there and in full costume.

"Midoryia!" a cheerful voice rang out. Ashido ran over in her cat costume complete with ears, tail, and paws that sat on top of her hands while her gloved fingers poked out underneath. It was pink and leopard themed and she did some cat make-up that, to Midoriya, was very impressive.

"Wow, Ashido! Your costume is awesome." he boasted as she stopped right in front of him. "Thanks! I'm loving the ghost costume and the hat. The patches are so cute!"

Midoriya groaned, "I'm suppose to be scary. Sorta."

Placing a hand on his shoulder Ashido gave him a serious look, "You failed. You're cute as a button, Deku."

Pushing down the blush on his face Midoriya rubbed the back of his neck. "I guess I'm just not that good at scary things."

"Deku isn't scary. He is the kindest person I know" a sweet voice said behind him. Turning around he saw Uraraka who came to stand near them. She was in a orange and black witch costume and was wearing her usual cheerful smile. "Are you guys excited? I've been waiting for this all day. Oh! I hope they have a bobbing for apples game. I love games!."

"I want a pinata!" Ashido chimed in,"That way we can break it and have lots of candy."

"Is a pinata part of Halloween?" Midoriya asked confused.

From the corner of his eye Midoriya caught sight of the two toned hero, Todoroki, who was leaning against a couch in the main room looking a little uncomfortable.

"Oh!" he exclaimed suddenly which got the attention of both the girls, "Ah, I see you are admiring our handiwork, Deku." Ashido said proudly.

Todoroki was indeed a vampire as he dawned a detailed old century jacket and cape with a slightly high collar. His hair was combed back and he was equipped with some pretty convincing fangs. The girls had added a light layer of powder to lighten his complextion and had dyed the tips of the fangs red. If he didn't know better, he would be positive that he was a real vampire.

Catching Midoriya's eye Todoroki perked up and started heading over, "Midoriya. It's good to see you. Iida is still getting ready and asked that we wait for him."

"I think Momo is helping with his make-up because it is pretty extensive. But they should be done soon." Ashido informed them as someone else joined their group quickly, "Hey guys!" Kaminari exclaimed, his face displaying his signature excitement over anything related with potential fun. He was dressed in a Devil's costume complete with horns, small wings, and tail. He wore a red dress shirt with a black vest and jeans and finished off with black sneakers. He had mixed casual with dressy like he had wanted to impress, but wanted to be comfortable as well. Typical Kaminari.

"This party is going to be great! I helped set up the festivities area and there are going to be lots of games and food. Of course Present Mic couldn't help himself and set up his DJ booth so were going to have rad jams too!"

The small group chatted excitedly for a while going over songs they hoped to hear, dance moves they were going to try, food that would be eaten, and more. Iida and Momo joined them shortly and Midoriya was again impressed with the amount of detail a friend of his put into their costume. His tall friend had decided to go with casual frankenstein with ripped jeans, large boots, and a striped shirt covered by a black jacket. Momo had done a great job with the fake scars, stitches, and bolts in his neck.

The Halloween PartyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora