The Haunted Maze

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!Warning!Adult content ahead!18+*


The night was filled with music, chatter, laughter, and screams from the maze as the Halloween Party carried on. Patting his stomach Midoriya huffed a sigh of satisfaction. He had eaten his fill at the food table with Bakugo and was now lounging against a table filled with arts and crafts as his blonde lover and Kirishima were mixing some items in a bowl.

"This is gross, shark teeth. Where did you even get this idea?" Bakugo grumbled as his ingredients sloshed around and he made a disgusted face. 

"It's huge on the internet. And it isn't gross. The materials are natural so you could even eat it if you want. It's safe." Kirishima gloated as he repeated his hard earned research proudly. 

Lifting his hand the lime green slime Bakugo was working on slipped through his fingers and slopped back in the bowl. "I'll pass."

Midoriya giggled under his breath as watching Bakugo struggle with the goo. The greenette had opted out of making it, or rather, he didn't have much of a choice since his costume kept getting in the ingredients and now he had some radioactive looking stains. Suddenly, a bowl was thrust under his nose and Midoriya looked up at a slightly frustrated blonde, 

"Here. Put this in a small container while I wash my hands. Damn stuff made my hands too slippery to open the storage tub."Grabbing the bowl Midoriya reached for the container and opened it, 

"Sure, I can do that." 

Tipping the bowl he slid the contents into the tubberware and closed it. The recipe didn't make very much so the container wasn't that big. 'Bakugo is going to lose this if we just keep carrying it around in our hands.' he thought to himself. "I'll put it in my pocket so Kacchan doesn't have to worry about it spilling in his coat." Midoriya whispered to himself as he pushed the slime container into his pocket. 

"Everything all right, Midoriya?" A cool voice rang behind him. Turning around he found Todoroki standing behind him holding a stick with a few marshmallows on it. 

"I'm all right. Just waiting for Kacchan to get back. Are you cooking marshmallows?" he asked while pointing to the stick in the fire/ice users hand.

"Iida and Uraraka wanted to make smores so I came to ask if you wanted to join us?."

Scratching the back of his neck Midoriya felt a little bad, "Um, actually I have plans." 

"Oh?" his friend replied. "Is it the maze? I wasn't really planning on going, but if you don't have a partner I would be glad to join you."Before Midoriya could respond someone reached over and yanked a marshmallow off Todoroki's stick. 

"He already has a partner for the maze, asshole." the fiery blonde growled before shoving the treat into his mouth.

"Ah, the marshmallow." Todoroki quietly mumbled while looking at the stick. Midoriya stepped between them. 

"Um, speaking of which. I think our turn is coming up soon. W-we should get going."Grabbing Bakugo's hand he started leading him off to the maze while waving a farewell to Todoroki, promising him they would hang out later. Todoroki nodded before turning to Bakugo. 

"Take care of Midoriya in the maze, and good luck." 

"Like I need to be fucking told that!" Bakugo yelled before taking another marshmallow off his stick out of spite and biting it. 

"Ah, I wouldn't eat that one. I dropped it on the ground earlier." Todoroki said matter-of-factly. This caused Bakugo to quickly spit it out. 

"You shit-head! Why would you put it back on the stick!?"A small smile crossed the twin quirk users face. 

The Halloween PartyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora