The Sleeping Fog

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Smut Warning. Adult content ahead!


Entering his room Midoriya placed the bag on his desk and started going through the drawers to find his scissors and small sewing kit his mother had bought him. Sitting on the floor with everything around him he pulled a piece of candy from his prize pail, ignored the inner Iida voice telling him it was bad to eat candy so late, and chewed on a caramel while he threaded the needle and started arranging patches of fabric over the moth holes. The patches were a bit brighter in color then necessary for a scary costume, but Midoriya found himself liking them. Digging in the pail for more candy he instead felt something soft and pulled out the halloween hat. Chuckling to himself Midoriya placed it on his head. Maybe it could help keep his hood up, but he would have to cut holes to hide the band. Taking his time so as to not stab himself Midoriya sewed the patches to cover the damage. 

He didn't plan on taking a few hours, but surprisingly it was easy to lose track of time when dealing with home economics. Yawning, Midoriya stretched his arms up high and took the small hat off. His back hurt from bending over but luckily he only had about two more holes to do. Laying down to straighten his spine for a bit he let his mind wonder. He couldn't stop himself from thinking about the kiss again. How wonderful he felt being held by Kacchan, the taste of him exploring his mouth, and the feel of his calloused, gentle hands caressing his face and neck. Touching his lips softly Midoriya yearned for Kacchan and the feel of him against him again. Closing his eyes Midoriya sighed in frustration. If he thought it was hard to endure his feelings when Kacchan didn't know about them, it was nothing compared to Kacchan knowing but not establishing what they were. He asked if it was okay to love him, right? He hadn't misheard it. Kacchan wanted to be open about his feelings so the talk tomorrow should go well, right?

Turning over Midoriya groaned and buried his head in his arms. So many questions were running through his head and he didn't have a way to get the answers. It was annoying, but he was going to have to wait. Speaking of annoying, Midoriya adjusted his hips slightly. Thoughts of Kacchan mixed with being tired were having some interesting effects on his crotch. "At least someone's awake." Midoriya mumbled into his arms. Normally he'd take care of it, but laying down felt just as good at the moment. Thoughts of the train looped through Midoriya's mind and he couldn't help but close his eyes so he could see Kacchan's face better. 

He didn't realize he had fallen asleep until someone was shaking him and saying his name. "..ku!" Midoriya groaned. He was so tired, and why did it hurt to open his eyes? Oh yeah, he fell asleep with his light on. Another strong shake ran through his body followed by a loud voice, "Deku! You fucker, wake up!"

Midoriya shook his head and buried his face, "Mnn..bright...tired." he muttered, still half asleep. An angry huff came from above him, followed by heavy steps to his desk, a slight click, and then more heavy steps to his door. Suddenly the brightness was gone and a small, comfortable glow remained. The steps approached him and he felt two strong hands grab his arms and pull them away from his face. "There I turned the lamp on. Now get up. You're on the floor nerd, and your still dressed. Can't you take proper care of yourself?" Bakugo's angry voice rang out more clear, but Midoriya was still foggy.

"Kacchan? You're here! I'm so happy." Midoriya giggled. He felt loopy from sleep, like he couldn't quite pull out of the fog that clouded his mind. He tried to get up but his motor functions weren't responding. "Body..asleep. Can't..move." he muttered. He opened his eyes enough to make out a blurry pair of red orbs looking at him.

"Damn it, Deku." Bakugo cursed as he put Midoriya's arm around his shoulders and pulled him up. He was very unsteady on his feet even as he tried to use Bakugo as a crutch. Suddenly his feet weren't on the floor as Bakugo scooped him up, "You owe me for this, nerd." he muttered as he carried the tired, freckled boy to his bed and placed him down. Midoriya's immediate instinct was to seach for a pillow, but something grabbed his waist and began undoing his belt. He felt his pants slide off and tried to sit up, but could only get as far and leaning on his elbows. He watched Bakugo throw his jeans into the hamper in the corner then turned back to start on his shirt.

The Halloween PartyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant