The Couch Hangout

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Getting back just in time before curfew Midoriya followed Bakugo into the dorms. He kept going over questions in his head for later when he and Bakugo would talk about the train and their confessions. He still couldn't believe he'd kissed him. He kissed Kacchan! But where would they go from here? Would they date? Was it something Kacchan was just experimenting with? What if he had bad breath and it turned him off?

Midoriya tried to discreetly check his breath when something heavy and pink ran into him,

"Hey Midoriya! Welcome back!" Ashido exclaimed as she hopped in place, "You were just behind Todoroki. Now that we're all here we can talk about costumes and the party tomorrow!" She looked very excited as she took in his bags and even invited Bakugo, "Come on, Bakugo! Join us!"

The blonde shrugged, "Nah, I've got better things to do than hang with you losers. Do your costume thing with Deku." he called off as he rounded the corner to head for his room. He didn't get far before he was ambushed by Kirishima and Midoriya watched the red head drag him off somewhere.

"Wait, Kacchan! What about" Midoriya called out weakly, but Bakugo was already gone. He felt a tug on his arm as the pink-haired pixie pulled him to the couch where Todoroki, Uraraka, Iida, and Sato were hanging out. "Sorry to spring this on ya so quick, but I just got so excited when Todoroki got back with his costume and then I just finished mine and.." Ashido continued to talk as Midoriya sat next to his friends. He felt mildly anxious that he couldn't follow Bakugo to his room so they could talk, but then again it wasn't too late so he could visit him later.

Midoriya became conscious suddenly that it was quiet and looked up to see everyone looking at him, "Oh, sorry. I wasn't paying attention." Mina zero'd in on him with her black and yellow eyes that were surprisingly complimented by her teal night shirt. "I asked what costume you bought! Sato said you wanted something scary, right?" she asked.

Nodding Midoriya took out his purchase, "I decided on a ghost. It needs a little work, but I think it will be fun."

"A ghost?" a calm voice asked beside him, "Scary doesn't really suit you, Midoriya. Since you're such a nice person." Looking at Todoroki, Midoriya could see he genuinely meant his words as a compliment. "Yeah, but.." he wanted to impress Kacchan.

"I think it's a great idea, Deku!" Uraraka chimed in. "I'm going to be a witch. It's not super scary but I kinda always liked witch stories where they save the day with their magic." Midoriya smiled. Uraraka was never shy about sharing her thoughts and it somehow made him feel a little braver.

"I see," started Todoroki, "So then do you like ghost stories, Midoriya?" A shiver ran through Midoriya. He hated ghost stories. He had watched a scary movie when he was younger and it kept him up crying all night. He slept with the light on for a month after that.

"Um..not..exactly. But I still think it w-will be fun?" Midoriya replied. 

 Iida waved his hand, "I understand. You are facing your fears by becoming that in which you fear! Good for you, Midoriya."

"What are you going to be, Iida?" Uraraka asked. She was currently wedged between Iida and Ashido, who was sharing a sugar snack with Sato. "Well," Iida began, "I"m going to be Frankenstein's monster. It was a movie I was scared of when I was younger, but as I got older I understood it better and really got interested in the lore. Like Midoriya I'm facing my fears so that I can be a better hero!"

Blushing Midoriya cast his eyes to the floor, "Y-you're giving me too much credit, Iida." He didn't want to see the look of admiration in his friends face. He seriously was just trying to impress someone. But he did enjoy that he had such good friends who would back him up and thought so well of him. He felt a nudge at his elbow, "Are you afraid of vampires?" Todoroki asked.

Confused Midoriya looked at his friend, "Um..I think everyone is afraid of vampires. They drink your blood and stuff." This caused his friend to look concerned, "Oh. I may have chose the wrong costume." Todoroki fidgeted with a bag on his lap that Midoriya hadn't noticed before. He wondered about the random question when it hit him, "Is your costume a vampire, Todoroki?"

The two-toned hair boy glanced sideways, "Yeah. My sister and mom picked it out. I can change it though so your not afraid." Midoriya chuckled, "I don't think I could be afraid of you, even if you're dressed as a vampire. I think it suits you."

Todoroki looked at him confused," You think so?"

"Yeah!," Ashido jumped in, "All dark and mysterious with your forbidden atmosphere. Like, what secrets do you carry?" Ashido finished her last word with a faked spooky tone and a wiggling of her hands.

"You even have the hair for it!" Uraraka blurted out as she reached out and pushed his hair back. Todoroki looked up at her hand, "Oh. I see. Then I guess this will be all right."

"Mina and I can help with your make-up if you want? You have fangs, right?" Todoroki nodded as his hair fell back into place. Midoriya began to feel excited for the party, he was so worried about the costume and Kacchan before he didn't even give much thought to the activities or that he was going to be having fun with friends. "Did Kirishima say anything else about the party?" he asked Ashido. He knew those two were close so if anyone knew anything it would be her or Kaminari.

"Well, I'll be helping to set up the scare challenge, and I know there is going to be games. I'm actually really impressed with the amount of work he put into this." she boasted. Midoriya knew she was proud of how far Kirishima had come in his hero course career and his journey to build his confidence. Sometimes he'd catch her looking at him when he was with Bakugo and Kaminari and her face was so gentle Midoriya couldn't help but feel warm inside. Now that he knew he wasn't very good at noticing feelings he started to wonder if maybe there was more he was missing.

Sitting on the couch the small group went over costume ideas like Todoroki's fangs and Ashido's ears for her cat outfit (Midoriya was thankful to Tokoyami for helping him shoot that one down.) Sato decided to go with the zombie idea since Midoriya wasn't using it and he liked it so much. He was having so much fun and his stomach hurt from laughing by the time he noticed the time.

"Oh, gosh. It's getting late and I need to work on my costume. So I'll see you all tomorrow." he said as he stood up and grabbed his bag. Uraraka, who looked very tired by now, waved him off, " Good night, Deku!" Mina yawned a good night which then prompted Iida to wish him a good sleep as he then went on a rant about how staying up late was bad and they should now all go to bed.

Entering the elevator Midoriya went to hit the button for his floor when Bakugo entered his mind. Was it too late to visit? Of course he wanted to see him, and Kacchan said it would be okay to talk, right? Hitting the floor below his he waited for the elevator to arrive and walked to the end of the hall to Kacchan's room. He raised his hand to knock then stopped. There wasn't any light coming from under the door. He must be asleep already.

Midoriya sighed, he had taken too long. He hoped Bakugo wasn't waiting the entire time. He would need to apologize in the morning and hope Kacchan wasn't too angry. There was a mixture of unpleasantness in Midoriya's stomach. Was he angry at himself? He had made a huge step with Kacchan then left him waiting. What kind of hero was he turning out to be? Huffing out loud Midoriya turned sharply and walked to his room. He was going to finish his costume tonight and was definitely talking to Kacchan tomorrow first thing. 


Sorry for the long wait. I didn't think it would take this long to write. Holidays are hectic. lol

Warning before hand, next page is 18+. Just warning.

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