The Train Station

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Midoriya waited a moment, straining to hear any movement from inside. Suddenly the door opened and Bakugo stood in front of him with his normal disgruntled look on his face. The door wasn't open much but Midoriya could make out the neutral tones of Kacchans room that was neatly arranged. He was never one for posters and action figures like he was instead he insisted on keeping things relatively neat. He said it helped him concentrate.

"Hey nerd." Kacchan growled. He leaned against the door frame which brought him close to Midoriya who noticed Kacchan was almost an entire head taller than he was now. Damn, he grew, Midoriya thought to himself. Kacchan didn't usually get this close to him so it was hard to judge but the blonde really had matured in more ways than one. Midoriya briefly wondered if he had also changed, he didn't feel much different other than a bit taller.

"H-Hey Kacchan. I was just coming to let you know I figured out my costume and you said you wanted to know what it was so..."

Midoriya fidgeted as Bakugo continued to survey him with his deep crimson eyes. He couldn't be sure but it looked like the blond was studying him again. His gaze briefly past over Midoriya's frame before coming back to his face which caused Midoriya to blush slightly.

"And? What did you decide?" Kacchan asked crossing his arms which only served to draw Midoriya's attention. The shirt he was wearing hugged every curve of his biceps which flustered the green-haired hero. When did Kacchan get so jacked? Midoriya wondered to himself.

"Hey!" Kacchan growled, causing Midoriya to jump,

"Yes?!" he squeaked.

"Pay attention when people talk to you, shit-nerd. I swear you have the attention span of a squirrel." The blonde huffed.

"I'm not a squirrel, Kacchan." Midoriya quipped back.

"Yeah, yeah. Now what's your costume idea? I don't have all day."

"Well, I decided to be a ghost. It should be easy to put the materials together, and I'm not the best at sewing but I think it's something I can manage if I can find the materials, although I don't want to cover my face because Sato brought up the point of being able to eat and..."

Suddenly Midoriya was cut off by Bakugo placing his hand firmly on his mouth, "Stop muttering, Deku. I just needed to know what you were going to be, I don't need a play by play."

A blush rose to Midoriyas face and he fought to push it down but Kacchan was even closer to him now, and he could smell the lovely, sweet scent of the nitroglycerin on his hand. Wait no, it's weird to smell your friend, right?

Looking up at Bakugo he nodded slightly to let Kacchan know he was done. The blonde lifted his hand slowly, but not before Midoriya could have sworn Kacchan's thumb briefly outlined his bottom lip. It was over before Midoriya could even figure out the movement then Kacchan was reaching for something just inside the door.

"Let's go before it gets dark. We need to catch a teacher before they all leave to put in an off-campus request."

Closing his door Bakugo brushed by a very confused Midoriya, "What do you mean? Kacchan w-wait, I-"

Bakugo spun around to face him, "You said you need supplies, and since I need to look for a costume too then we need to go shopping. So hurry up or I'll make you into a real ghost."

"But wait, y-you wanted to shop together?" Midoriya was baffled. Kacchan rarely hung out with him outside of training. Sometimes they would be near each other in the lounge, but Midoriya knew better than to bother him too much even though it seemed like Kacchan tolerated him more now a days. Midoriya enjoyed this, he even had short conversations with him now and then but usually about hero events or school. It reminded him of when they were younger, and this thought saddened Midoriya on more than one occasion when he reminded himself he wasn't as close to Kacchan as he once was.

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