DBUO Chap. 13: A Kings Challenge...

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Chapter 13. A Kings Challenge...

Bardock stands in the Throne room consulting with his apprentice, Tarble

Bardock- "Running Planet Kakarot is proving to be a challenge. With half breeds running around causing mayhem, and Vegeta Sr. Constantly going against my decisions."

Tarble- " I understand Sir. All Half Breed Saiyans are hyper children."

Bardock- "How has your power level sensing gotten?"

Tarble- "Let me see. I can, identify your power as 24,500, Queen Gine's as 2,000, General Nappa and Raditz's are 5,670 and 6,200, And as for Head Commander Vegeta... 11,000."

Bardock- "Very good. I'm thankful for my son befriending your brother. If he hadn't, then this planet wouldn't be here."

Tarble- "Sir. May I ask what my power level is at?"

Bardock- "15,000. Goodjob Tarble."

Tarble- "F-F-FIFTHTEEN THOUSAND? That's all?! My brother will be so pissed at me..."

A Sonic boom happens outside of the Throne room. Bardock calmly walks out

Bardock- "Of course it's you."

TaoPai- "You remember me? The universal planet Assassinator?!"

Bardock- "The one I took down years before Planet Vegeta was destroyed?! Then yes!"

TaoPai- "No scouter? Well. I'll have to disappoint you Saiyan by revealing my new power! You can't beat me now, with my powerlevel being a overwhelming 324,000!!"

Bardock- "That's nothing, I'm surprised you haven't noticed. I'm not an average Saiyan.."

TaoPai- "What do you mean?"

Bardock- "Watch.."

Bardock Powers up into Super Saiyan as Tarble watched smirking. Feeling bad for TaoPai

PaoTai- "G-Guh! Heh... You fell for it!"

Bardock- "Fell for what exactly..."


Hundreds of Military aliens come from a ship in the atmosphere. Flying down and attacking Bardock.

Bardock- "I can take it!"

Dozens at once ambush the King, he blocks a punch. Ducking under another as he sweeps the soldiers legs. He rises up to meet PaoTais boot and be launched back. He grunts as more soldiers proceed to charge at him.

Bardock- "Tarble! Stay put!"

He punches one, and is hit by another's punch. Slowly he's being bested. He kicks through some of their defenses and dashes out of harms way. Spin kicking TaoPai as he runs back in to the soldiers. He grabs two by their throat ignoring the punches delivered on his way in. He slams the two on the ground, firing beams. Blowing them in holes. As more soldiers attack him, one lands a good hit on his nose. Making him bleed

Bardock- "GR!"

He pushes through some high-tension defense from the soldiers. Kicking away at some. He fires a blast at PaoTai. Knocking him on his ass. He looks up to see the whole army coming down at him. They all fire blasts, in an attempt to dodge. He jumps around. But he is hit, being blown down. All of the soldiers jump onto him now. Punching and kicking him. Tarble who is about to step in is told to stay put through by PaoTai.

Bardock- "TH-THATS IT!"

A golden aura bursts around the soldiers. They're blown back as Bardock jumps up from the hole he was being killed in


Bardock stands still, motioning the soldiers to come at him

Bardock- "Come on then cowards!"

The soldiers fly at him, he elbows one, Blasting another, as more and more come at him... The angrier he becomes


He squeezes his compact fists together, Creating an orb of Ki around him. It shrinks until he glows Blue. Then it blows up
... All that's left are lifeless bodies. PaoTai stands at the end. Covering his face

PaoTai- "Fine then! Moon Buster!"

PaoTai clashes with Bardock.

Bardock kicks away the assassin. PaoTai floats back, as he sees Bardock's fist.

Bardock- "LIGHTS OUT!"

The straight Punch Connects with PaoTais gut. Knocking him into the dirt unconscious

Bardock- "Too easy.. Psh."

Tarble detains the assassin and puts him in prison

The end-

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