Chapter 10- The Perfect Night part five ~Ending~

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Hiya :)

The ending to this story might not be the most complete ending, but it's bittersweet.

Sure, there are a lot of loose endings, but I do not have the energy to continue this story.

I'm aiming for 3K with this story, and hopefully 50K for next year's story.

Enjoy this chapter, as it is the last. I might post another chapter. Depends on your feedback. Do you want one? ;)

Ship name (I'm mixing both their first names and last names): Tace? Blaids? Blace? Tais?
Which one?

Can you come up with anymore?


"I love you, too," I breathe, staring dreamily at his blue-black eyes.

And with that, Ace leans down and kisses me.


His lips were sweet. They were the taste of his minty breaths, of his strong cologne, of him. His lips against mine weren't soft... they were hungry, fervid. It was as if everything that had happened in the last six months was poured into one short, but passionate kiss. The lights were dim, protecting us from the onlookers.

A shiver ran through my entire my body, making me melt in his arms.

They brought back every memory we ever had. The moment he had snuck into my room to comfort me when I was struggling to fall asleep, or when he had apologized to me. The day he helped me realize who I really I was reminded by his ever-present smirk, and my utter annoyance that came as a result of his arrogance.

I was spinning away from reality, tuned in to the sole fact that his lips were on mine. I was kissing the very boy I used to call a bastard, an idiot, a moron...I truly had so many nicknames for Ace!

But now, he was just Ace.


His lips were soft and they moved in accordance with mine. It lasted for a few seconds before I realized what I was doing. The music flowed through the air, seaping into our hearts. The soft music tugged on my heart strings.

And then I separated from his lips, and he took a moment to gaze at me, concerned. "What's wrong, Tess?"

"Let's go somewhere. Alone." I whisper. I didn't want anyone else to steal our moment. This kiss was just between us. With that, I fit my smooth hand into his large, callous one.

Carefully, we stepped away from the commotion. Everyone was swaying quietly to the melody, their hearts throbbing as one heartbeat to the rhythm of the music.

I reached for the gym door, pulling it open. It smacked on the wall, and we ran through the night. The door closed with a sense of finality.

The cool midnight air revived the blood in me, the chilly air entering my system and cleansing me of all the pain of the past year. I found his hand in the darkness.

We stepped onto the dark green grass, the pale dewdrops licking our feet.
I smiled at the sensation.
The stars shone brightly today, small specks, seemingly insignificant in the vastness of the sky above.

He turns my face slowly to his, his hand barely grazing my skin and sending a shiver through my spine. I sighed.

I pressed my lips to his, and the kiss lasted forever.
After we separated, he breathed, "Come on." The taste of his lips still lingered on mine.
He held out his pale hand, and I took it in mine.

"Why?" A small smile played upon my lips.

"I have a surprise for you." He smiled a genuine smile that exposed his perfect teeth.

He never seized to amaze me.

"Oh gods, Ace, I love you." I whisper, kissing him, hard, on the cheek. My heart was racing in anticipation, and in excitement. But most of all, it was beating to the rhythm of love.
Ace smirks his usual smirk.

"I know," Ace remarks, and my laughter rung out in the night, vibrating the air around us. It was soon joined by his laughter.
He was still an arrogant moron...but I loved him for it.
He pulled on my hand, leading me into the night. Our combined laughter made the night complete. The stars beamed silver light on us, as we traveled farther and farther away from the rest of the twelfth-grade community.
It was The Perfect Night.

The girl with blonde hair and the boy with a black masquerade mask left the throbbing beats of the music.

And escaped into the young night together.


<3 smartgurl249


<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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