Chapter four: Forgiven...?!

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Ace's POV:

The days are getting longer, the leaves turning shades of maroon, orange and golden. I jog in place to keep my body warm and active, my feet beating against the bouncy surface of the track.

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Tess speaking to a short girl with wild, red hair...Gwen? Gwen is jumping up and down, always a little over the top. Suddenly Tess turns her green eyes to me, staring at me coldly. No surprise there.

I give her a warm smile, holding the gaze for longer than necessary. Her cheeks tint with the slightest shade of pink, and she looks away.

Wow. That is a pathetic attempt to conceal her already developing feelings for me. . .I smirked to myself.

If I could make her blush with one smile, she would soon fall under my spell.

But this girl, Tess...she was stubborn, and willful, and egotistical...just like me.

Maybe that's why it seems like a battle every day with that...idiot.

Tess is looking at me crossly, and I can just feel her eyes bore a hole through the side of my head.

"Hey, bitch!" I call out playfully.

Several people stare at me, there mouths open in shock and laughter.

Tess gives me a nasty smile. I could tell she didn't appreciate her new nickname.

Hmm...Yup, she's still a evil little bitch, and I bet she always will be.

They say she's a gazelle, the fastest runner in the school. But if that much was true...then I'm a cheetah.

Let the race begin.


The whistle blows, the sharp sound piercing through the air like a bullet.

All I can see is the world as a blur, as if it was all from my rear view mirror. The blood courses through my body, replenishing all my losses and reviving me again.

Suddenly, my eyes spot a certain little gazelle racing in front of me.

Tessa's pink lips slowly widen into a smile as she gains speed. Her smile is so genuine... I would almost think it was pretty.

Ace, I thought, focus.

I incline my entire body forwards, breathing heavily, and pumping my arms and legs to help me cut through the air faster.

Suddenly I'm yards, feet, inches...from Tess.

Almost there...

Tess is dead set on the finish line, perspiration running down her forehead...that she almost didn't notice me.

And when she finally does, she turns her pretty head to me, losing her focus for a few moments.

I cross the finish line, beating her by a few seconds.

I turn to look at my opponent. Her face is exploding with fury, all red and scrunched up.

"B-but you--" She begins.

I cut her off, placing a finger on her pink lips, causing her to blush deeply.

"Tess, I will always win."


Tessa's POV:

I'm hiding, if you will, in a quaint coffee shop located in the outskirts of Northdale.

I quickly pull Lexi, Gwen and Jazz along with me, sitting in the corner of the dimly lit coffee shop.

"So...Who's the hottie that was talking to you at track practice?" Lexi blurts it all out, as if she had been keeping it in for a while. She tries to seem nonchalant, as she continually examines her nails.

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