Chapter 10: Doesn't Ring A Bell

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Hey my people, I’m so happy people are reading this, it just makes me feel loved. It’s flipping fantastic. Well I just thought you guys needed to know that, well anyway sorry about the cliffhanger last chapter, but other than that I hoped you enjoyed it. Anyway let’s get to the story and ease your worried little minds.


 ~Katie’s P.O.V~

 I winced as the light of the room hit my eyes. I opened them again as they slowly adjusted to the bright light of the room, my eyes quickly focused on the surroundings around me. I was in a small room, the ceiling and walls were white, while the floor was a white tile.

 The room was quiet except for the steady beating coming from a machine next to me. I looked down to notice a tube running through my arm. It led up to a bag that was hanging next to my bed, which was filled with what I was guessing as water.

 I wasn’t quite sure where I was, but I’m not the type to panic so I stayed calm and collected as I looked around the room. It was pretty much empty except for a single chair in the right of the room; it was a blue color and the only thing in the room that wasn’t white, which was kind of refreshing in a way.

 I tried to shift in the bed but I was unable to, because there was something on my right weighing me down. I looked to my right to see a bundle of brown curls. I looked down to notice that a boy was sleeping on my shoulder and his chest was rising and slowly falling to the tempo of the machine next to me.

 How had I not noticed him before?

 I wasn’t sure where I was, but I could pretty much figure out that I was in some sort of hospital. All I need to know is why I was here, and how I got here. Since he was the only other person in the room I figured he was my best bet to finding out the answers to my questions.

 I gently nudged him and spoke to him just above a whisper. “Wake up…I need you to wake up…please wake up.”

 His eyes slowly fluttered open to reveal a set of green orbs. He stared at me with a hint of uncertainty in his eyes. He furrowed his eyebrows as he continued to look at me. I felt something inside of me stir, but I brushed it aside as I continued to stare right back at him.

 “Am I dreaming?” He asked barley above a whisper.

 “No, you’re not dreaming. Mind telling me how I got here?” I asked hoping for answers.

 He didn’t answer my question, but his gaze drifted from my eyes down to my lips, as I continued to watch him. I wasn’t sure what he was going to do, but I wasn’t about to freak out over nothing and come across as crazy.

 He slowly moved his hand up to my face and cupped my cheek. I still didn’t panic nor did I push his hand away; I was waiting to see just exactly what he was going to do. He moved his gaze back to my eyes and stared into them as if he was searching for something. Whatever it was I guess he found it, because it took him about three seconds before he crashed his lips against mine, not that I was counting.

 He slowly moved his lips against mine; it was rough but at the same time soft and warm. The kiss was passionate, but it also felt desperate as he nudged his lips harder against mine. I figured he was trying to get me to react because I was just sitting there, not making any attempt to kiss him back, or pull away. I was pretty much shocked and my brain was still trying to process the situation.

 He pulled back after awhile and looked at me with confusion clearly written on his face. “But I thought…”

 His statement was interrupted by a nurse coming through the door. She had another bag with her that I’m sure you already guessed was going to be used to replace my other one. She looked at me with a shocked expression, but it quickly changed to a warm smile. “I guess I should probably get you some food. I’m sure you’re hungry.” With that the nurse left, leaving me once again with the confused boy to my right.

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