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Later that evening, Jauregui sat at her kitchen table leisurely smoking a cigarette. She opened the manila folder that was in front of her and began to shift through the papers. She had pulled Camila's file from the prison's records earlier that morning. The mysterious brunette woman peaked curiosity.

She raised an amused eyebrow at the photo before her. Camila looked at the camera with a menacing glare that said...
I don't give a fuck .

Karla Camila Cabello

Age: 23

Born: Miami, FL

As Jauregui read on, she learned that the feisty brunette started her career as a trouble maker at the ripe age of 15 for pick pocketing. There were five other offenses during her life and all of them involved theft or robbery. She was currently serving two years for a heist gone wrong. Before being transferred to Miami-Dade, Camila had already served six months of her two year sentence at her previous location.

Interesting . Jauregui looked at Camila's picture once more. A small smile touched her lips and she shook her head. "Where did you go wrong, kid?" she softly spoke.

Looking into those chocolate eyes of the photograph, she was immediately taken back to her encounter with the prisoner. There was something about Camila that she could not place her finger on. She quickly closed the file and took one last drag of her cigarette before sticking it in the ashtray. Jauregui stood from the table and stretched her tired long body. She headed to the back of her two bedroom home and climbed into bed.

It had been three years since the prison guard had been in a steady relationship and she hated being alone. She was the monogamous type and walking in on her girlfriend sleeping with another woman broke her heart.

Ever since then, she made sure to keep her mind on her work. This meant taking double shifts and completely throwing away any chance of a social life. But lately she had been longing for a companion. Jauregui pulled the blankets up to her chin and closed her eyes.

* * * * *

Over the next few months, Jauregui did not see much of the small brunette. Occasionally, she would spot her in the cafeteria, in the workout area lifting weights, or playing cards with a few of the other women in the courtyard.

Jauregui was holding her own in the prison. From day one, after witnessing 'the fight,' every woman in the facility knew not to fuck with her. However, she would often catch the tall prison guard with the striking green eyes watching her every now and then.

From a distance, Jauregui studied her.
Camila hair was longer now; reaching just past her shoulders and had gained a little more weight.

As Camila began to deal cards to the small group of women sitting at her table, she felt those eyes on her again. When she glanced across the courtyard, sure enough, green eyes were looking straight into hers. Camila couldn't help but raise a playful brow, causing Jauregui to quickly turn away. The brunette smiled to herself and continued her game.

Jauregui scolded herself for being caught, again. She did not know why the small woman interested her so. She was just another prisoner...another prisoner with beautiful chocolate eyes and a body she often dreamt of at night.

The next evening, Jauregui had the graveyard shift. It was about 2 am as she walked the line down the row of caged rooms, glancing into each one. Most of the women were sleeping and the usually loud cellblock in the daytime was eerily quiet. As she neared the cell where Camila was being held, she heard hushed whispers and moans. When she finally looked inside the small cell her eyes widened. Camila was sitting on the lower bunk with her back against the brick wall. Legs open, head back in ecstasy as her cellmate's worked their tongue inside of her.

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