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*original p.o.v*

*kororok kororok kororok* silence filled the room..

but suddenly the door opened. I turned my head towards the door and my jaw dropped.

my band is here *_* omo!

"Yah HaJi-sshi, how in the world-" he never let me finish, aish this guy. jinja?! "It's your Appa's idea. He said he didn't want you to be bothered and start over again*smiles*" *sigh**smiles at him.

I turn my head at Jai's direction but she's not there, i turned my gaze at our band mates and they are already talking together and happily chatting.

*Jai's p.o.v*

the door swung open and i gazed at it fast and then i saw them, they are here already. That's nice. I knew she will be surprised. Jonggie and I ran to them and chat and laugh with them. Then I remembered JJ. I turned my gaze to her, she's looking at the ground and holding her necklace which ben ben gave her. I know she missed him so much since he left. 'I am sorry JJ that I am keeping a secret from you about ben ben. I will tell you in the right time' she thought.



sorry short update

btw guys what is Jai's so called SECRET????!!

stay tuned ^_^

EXO and SHINee FanFic: One Love (AJB/Lee Yong Ah)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz